Psyops in Pink | A Brief Guide To Meer's Live Concert ZAKU Warrior in Rengou vs. Zaft II PLUS Скачать
[SHORTS]Of Shots and Shotels| A Brief Guide to the Sandrock Kai in Gundam vs. Gundam: Next Plus Скачать
In the grim darkness of the third millennium, there is only OSHA violations...and guns. Lots of guns Скачать
I don't care whether it can beat Barbatos or not. The question is, can you run DOOM on this Gundam Скачать
Don't ask questions. Let's go just commit war crimes and then get excited for more war crimes Скачать
Dolphin is the heir to the Stars|A case for Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam on the Gamecube (and on Dolphin) Скачать
Sir, that is not a Gundam, that's just three GMs in a trench coat w/ KillerTofu(+some fishing) Скачать
Florida man has captured the colony laser, i repeat, Florida man has captured the colony laser Скачать