2024-12-15 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Forefathers: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church 285 подписчиков Скачать
2024-12-15 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Forefathers: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-12-15 Gospel & Homily Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Forefathers: St Basil Great Byzantine Church Скачать
2024-12 Fr. Dennis Smolarski Prophecies of the Christ: Day of Recollection St Basil Great Byzantine Скачать
2024-12-08 Divine Liturgy St. Nicholas Day St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-12-05 Akathist to St. Nicholas St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-12-01 Divine Liturgy 27th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-11-10 Divine Liturgy 25th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-11-03 Divine Liturgy 24th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-10-27 Divine Liturgy 22nd Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-10-13 Divine Liturgy 21st Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-10-07 Moleben to the Mother of God St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-10-06 Divine Liturgy 20th Sunday after Pentecost: Our Lady of Protection St. Basil the Great Скачать
2024-09-29 Divine Liturgy 19th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-09-22 Divine Liturgy 18th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-09-15 Divine Liturgy Exaltation of the Cross St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
2024-09-08 Divine Liturgy Birth of the Theotokos 16th Sunday Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
2024-09-01 Divine Liturgy 15th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-08-25 Divine Liturgy 14th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-08-24 Memorial Divine Liturgy for Irene Groot St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-09-18 Divine Liturgy The Dormition of the Theotokos St Basil Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-08-14 Divine Liturgy Dormition of The Theotokos St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-08-11 Divine Liturgy 11th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-08-04 Divine Liturgy 11th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-07-28 Divine Liturgy 10th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-07-21 Divine Liturgy 9th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-07-07 Divine Liturgy 7th Sunday after Pentecost St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-06-30 Divine Liturgy 6th Sunday after Pentecost-Holy Apostles St Basil Great Byzantine Church Скачать
2024 -06-23 Divine Liturgy 5th Sunday of Pentecost Our Lady of Perpetual Help St Basil the Great Byz Скачать
2024-06-16 Divine Liturgy 4th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-06-02 Divine Liturgy 2nd Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-05-26 Divine Liturgy All Saints Sunday St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-05-19 Pentecost Sunday: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, California Скачать
2024-05-12 Sunday DivineLiturgy Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council: St Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
2024-05-05 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Man Born Blind: St Basil the Great Byzantine Church LosGatos Скачать
2024-04-28 Divine Liturgy Sunday the Samaritan Woman: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024 04 21 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Paralyze Man: St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-04-14 Divine Liturgy Myrrh Bearers Sunday St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-04-07 Divine Liturgy St. Thomas Sunday: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-03-29 Holy Friday Burial Vespers: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-03-29 Holy Thursday Twelve Gospels: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024 -03-27 Holy Wednesday Anointing of the Sick: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-03-24 Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-03-17 Sunday Divine Liturgy St. Mary of Egypt: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-03-13 Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-03 -10 Sunday of St John Climacus Divine Liturgy St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2024-03-09 Let Us Ascend! Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord? St. Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
2024-03 -09 Gospel & Homily 40 Martyrs of Sebaste St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-03-03 Veneration of the Holy Cross St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-03-01 Friday Pre Sanctified Liturgy St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-02-24 Friday Pre-Sanctified Liturgy St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-02-18 Divine Liturgy Sunday of Orthodoxy: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-02-11 Divine Liturgy CheeseFair Sunday St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-02-04 Divine Liturgy Sunday 0f Meat-Fare St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-02-01 Vespers: The Meeting (The Presentation) St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-01-28 Divine Liturgy Sunday The Prodigal Son St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2024-01-21 Divine Liturgy Sunday of Publican & Pharisee St Basil the Great Byzantine Church LosGatos Скачать
2024-01-07 Divine Liturgy Sunday after Theophany St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2024-01-05 Divine Liturgy Theophany Vigil & Great Blessing Water St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
2024-01-01 Divine Liturgy Circumcision of Christ: St Basil Feast Day St Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
2023-12-31 Divine Liturgy 1st Sunday after Christmas St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2923-12-25 Divine Liturgy Christmas Day: Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2023-12-24 Divine Liturgy Sunday Before Christmas: St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2023-12-22 Royal Hours of the Nativity: St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2023-12-17 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Holy Fathers St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-12-10 Divine Liturgy 28th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-12-10Catechetical Homily Our Savior is Both God & Man: St Basil Great Byzantine Church LosGatos Скачать
2023-12-07 Gospel & Homily Conception of St Anna St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2023-12-03 St. Nicholas Day Sunday Divine Liturgy St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2023-11-26 Divine Liturgy 26thSunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-11-19 Divine Liturgy 25th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-11-12 Sunday Divine Liturgy The Good Samaritan St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
2023-11-05 Divine Liturgy Holy Archangel Michael & All Heavenly Powers. St Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
10-29-23 Divine Liturgy 22nd Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos,Ca Скачать
2023-10-15 Divine Liturgy 20th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-10-08 Divine Liturgy 19th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-10-01 Divine Liturgy 17th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-09-24 Divine Liturgy 17th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-09-10 Divine Liturgy 15th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-09-03 Divine Liturgy 14th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-08-27 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Bad Tenants St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-08-20 Sunday of The Dormition of The Theotokos St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
08-15-2023 Dormition of the Theotokos Vespers & Divine Liturgy St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
2023-08-13 Divine Liturgy Sunday of Transfiguration St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
2023-08-06 Divine Liturgy Transfiguration of Our Lord St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-07-30 Divine Liturgy 9th Sunday after Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2023-07-23 Divine Liturgy 8th Sunday after Pentacost* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2023-06-25 Divine Liturgy 4th Sunday After Pentecost* St Basil Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2023-06-18 Divine Liturgy 3rd Sunday of Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2023-06-11 Divine Liturgy 2nd Sunday of Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2023-06-04 All Souls Sunday Gospel & Homily** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2023-05-28 Pentecost Sunday Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*2023-05-21 Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2023-05-17 Ascension of Our Lord Divine Liturgy* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2023-05-14 Divine Liturgy Sunday of Man Born Blind - Mother's Day* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
**2023-05-07 Divine Liturgy Samaritan Woman Sunday** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2023-04-30 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Paralytic Man* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church LosGatos Скачать
*2023-04-23 Divine Liturgy Myrrh Bearers Sunday* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2023-04-16 St. Thomas Sunday Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
**Holy Pascha (Easter) Divine Liturgy ** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
**Holy Pascha (Easter) Resurrection Matins** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Скачать
*Great & Holy Saturday Vigil Vespers & Reading of the Prophecies* St Basil Great Byzantine Church Скачать
*Burial Vespers with the Entombment of the Holy Shroud* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church LosGatos Скачать
**Great & Holy Friday Royal Hours of Divine Praise** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
**Strasti Matins Twelve Passion Gospels** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**Great & Holy Thursday Gospel & Homily** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**Great & Holy Thursday Canon of Matins** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*Great & Holy Wednesday Liturgy of the Presanctified and Holy Unction* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Скачать
*Great & Holy Wednesday Canon of Matins* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**Canon to the Holy Cross Video** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2023-04-02 Bridegroom Matins** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, California Скачать
**2023 04 02 Divine Liturgy Palm Sunday** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2023-03-19 Divine Liturgy 4th Sunday of Great Fast** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2023-03-12 Divine Liturgy Sunday Veneration of the Holy Cross* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
*2023-03-11 Fr. Anthony* Talk on how the holy Mother of God helps Lead us to the paths of Salvation Скачать
**2023-03-11 Lenten Day of Prayer** Fr. Anthony Stoeppel: Talk on the Great Penitential Palm 50 (51) Скачать
*2023-03-05 Divine Liturgy 2nd Sunday Great Fast* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2023-02-26 Divine Liturgy Sunday** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*2023-02-12 Sunday Divine Liturgy Meat Fare* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2023-02-05 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Prodigal Son* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-01-29 Divine Liturgy Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee St Basil the Great Byzantine LosGatos Скачать
**2023-01-22 Divine Liturgy Sunday of Zaccheus** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Altos, Ca. Скачать
*2023-01-08 Divine Liturgy Sunday After Theophany* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
2023-01-01 Sunday Divine Liturgy Circumcision of Our Lord St Basil Feast Day St Basil Great Church Скачать
*2022 12 25 Christmas Birth of Our Lord* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
^2022-12-23 Royal Hours of the Nativity^ St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2022-12-18 Divine Liturgy Sunday of The Holy Ancestors-St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2022-12-11 Homily Sunday of the Holy Forefathers* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2022-12-04 Sunday Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-11-13 Sunday Divine Liturgy** Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-11-06 Sunday Divine Liturgy** Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Ca. Скачать
**2022-10-30 Sunday Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-10-23 Rite of Preparation with Commentary** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
**2022-10-16 Sunday of 7th Ecumenical Council Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
**2022-10-09 Sunday Divine Liturgy** Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2022-09-25 Sunday Divine Liturgy^* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*2022-09-11 Sunday Divine Liturgy* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2022.- 09-04 Sunday of Bad Tenets Divine Liturgy* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2022-09-29 Beheading of John the Baptist* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Ca Скачать
*2022-08-28 Sunday Divine Liturgy* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2022-08-21 Sunday Divine Liturgy** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*2022-08-20 Divine Liturgy Fr Anthony's 22 Anniversary* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Скачать
2022-08-15 Gospel & Homily Feast of Dormition of the Theotokos* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
*2022-08-14 Sunday Divine Liturgy* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022.-07-31 Sunday Divine Liturgy** St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2022-07-24 Sunday Divine Liturgy St Elias Blessing of the Cars St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
*2022-07-17 Sunday Divine Liturgy St Macrina* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Скачать
2022-07-10 5th Sunday Divine Liturgy After Pentecost St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать
**2022-07-03 Sunday Divine Liturgy** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-06-28 Divine Liturgy St. Peter & Paul ** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-06-26 Sunday Divine Liturgy ** St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
**2022-06-19 Sunday Divine Liturgy Father's Day** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
2022-06-12 All Saint Sunday Divine Liturgy-St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos,Ca Скачать
*2022-06-05 Sunday Divine Liturgy Pentecost* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos Скачать
*2022-05-25 Divine Liturgy Of the Ascension* St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos. Ca. Скачать
2022-05 -22 *6th Paschal Sunday of the Man Born Blind* St. Basil the Great Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*2022-05-15 5th Sunday of Pasch The Samaritan Woman Divine Liturgy* St Basil Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2022-05-08 4th Sunday Divine Liturgy 0f Pascha The Paralytic* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Скачать
2022-05-01 Divine Liturgy 3rd Sunday of Pascha Myrrh-bearers St Basil Great Byzantine Los Gatos. Ca Скачать
2022-04-24 2nd Divine Liturgy of Pascha* St Thomas Sunday St Basil the Great Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*04-16-2022 Holy Pascha Divine Liturgy* St Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca. Скачать
*04-15-2022 Holy Friday* Burial Vespers & Vigil at the Sepulcher (Tomb) St Basil the Great Los Gatos Скачать
*2022-04-15* (9th Royal Hour of Divine Praise} St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos. Ca. Скачать
*2022-04-15 * (1st 3rd & 6th Royal Hours of Divine Praise) St Basil Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2022 04 14 Matins & 12 Passion Gospels* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
*2022-04-14 Holy Thursday Vespers & Liturgy* St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2022-04-13 Holy Wednesday Presanctified Liturgy & Anointing of the Sick* St Basil Great Byzantine Скачать
2022-03-13 2nd Sunday of Great Fast Divine Liturgy St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
**2022-02-20 Sunday Liturgy of the Last Judgment** St Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos, Ca Скачать
2022-02-13 Sunday Divine Liturgy of the Prodigal Son St. Basil the Great Byzantine Church Los Gatos Скачать