ignorant Beginner' KindofMad' From Yorkton' Didnt even Take out 1 of my Units in Battle' so 😁 Скачать
Beginner ironbuilder from the Guild' United Vikings' Attacked me with Units 5 Ages Lower than Mine 😁 Скачать
Beginner "Captian Merica" From the Guild' Yakety Yak' Named After a 1950s Song' Lost REAL Bad' so 😁 Скачать
YouTubes Auto System Removes your Comments Over Harmless Words That Everybody Hears on TV Everyday. Скачать
if Anybody Knows Where to Find the Song i was Talking About in This Video' Please Let me Know ??? Скачать
Thanksgiving Movie Stole Some of Their ideas from the 1997 Game' Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Скачать
Stupid Beginner from the Guild' ((Trayks Barbaric Hord)) Attacked me Without Looking at my City 😁 Скачать
Beginner ((PrizedDeliciousBaguette)) from the Guild' Organized Chaos' Lost Like a True Beginner 😁 Скачать
Beginner ((LBcheesecake)) from the Guild Blacklisted' is Getting MORE and MORE Stupid Everyday' so 😁 Скачать
Beginner ((LBcheesecake)) From the Guild Blacklisted' Attacked me Again with Even Weaker Units' so 😁 Скачать
LBcheesecake the ignorant Beginner From the Guild Blacklisted' Attacked me the Same DAY & Lost BAD 😁 Скачать
mooreloc65 from the Guild' Knights of Ni' Attacked me in Yorkton with so Little Attack & Lost BAD 😁 Скачать
LOOZER Beginner in Mount Killmore from NO Guild at ALL Attacked me Without Looking at my City' so 😁 Скачать
Beginner ((Emperor Saphira)) from the Guild' United Vikings' in World Yorkton' Lost REAL Bad' so 😁 Скачать
ignorant BoombaDee From the Guild' Unladen Swallows' in Yorkton' Attacked me and Failed' so 😁 Скачать
LOOZER Beginner ((LogicoftheVI)) from the Guild' Freedom Fighters' in Yorkton Lost READ Bad' so 😁 Скачать
((Beginner the Enchanter)) from The Collective' Lost Like a God DAM Pussy in World Brisgard' so 😁 Скачать
(Cierra of The Last Aerie) from the Guild' Timber Wolves' Attacked me with Beginner Units and Lost. Скачать
my 1ST Beginner Attacker in Mount Killmore' blades' Failed Getting Past my Defending Units from EMA. Скачать
Beginner ((Tinse)) from the Guild' Insanity's Retreat' Lost Like a True ignorant Beginner' so 😁 Скачать
LOOZER doodahmaniac Attacked me Again 1 DAY Before the Neighborhood Changes in World Brisgard' so 😁 Скачать
ME Fighting Space Age Titan Units with 1 Wounded Unit from Oceanic Future About to DIE and i WIN 😁 Скачать
ignorant Silkswift in Brisgard Lost REAL Bad with 5 (1 HIT Deaths) from the Guild' Farm Guild' so 😁 Скачать
now Heres the BIG Humiliation for TheFlyingMan' From the Guild' Odyssey' on the Test Server' so 😁 Скачать
(Oh great wonder34) From the Guild' Polaris' Attacks me Without Looking at my Cities Defense' so 😁 Скачать
now Heres ME Fighting Virtual Future Units on the Continent MAP Using Modern ERA Units' and i WIN 😁 Скачать
now Heres Ainwar' From the Guild' ChristianCrusaders' the Most ignorant Clown in his Guild' so 😁 Скачать
Heres a Very ignorant Beginner Telling me to Watch my Back on the Game' When i Have Super Defense 😁 Скачать
doodahmaniac is the Biggest PUSSY of Them ALL on Forge of Empires in World Brisgard US Server. Скачать
Trigger 007' From the Guild' VALOR' is a Very Stupid Young ignorant LOOZER Beginner BOY' so 😁 Скачать
Beginner micmart0000 of Yorkton From the Guild' Field of Dragons' Lost Like a True Beginner' so 😁 Скачать
Stupid LOOZER (BOB the Enchanter) From One of the Most Powerful Guilds in Brisgard' Lost in Battle. Скачать
((Valerian 1775 the Mighty)) From the Guild' TSUNKATSE' Lost Like a Very BAD ignorant Beginner' so 😁 Скачать
JadeToast From the Guild' Alliance of LOD' Just Keeps on Getting MORE ignorant Everyday' so 👎 Скачать
ignorant JadeToast Attacked me in the Past and Failed' and her Memory is Failing as WELL' so 😁 Скачать
Grundleheart' From the Guild' Fully Unhinged' Downgraded her Attacking Units and Lost REAL Bad' so 👎 Скачать
DJ the White' from the Guild' Pints to Ponder' Doesnt Know What Units to use in the PVP Arena' so 👎 Скачать
ME Fighting Virtual Future Units' With Only 2 Units and Getting a Flawless Victory With my Crawdads. Скачать