Let go of my people. Release the German prisoners of war held in New Zealand since 1843 to 1914 Скачать
psuedolaw action Part ONE .Peasants revolt courts with Treaty of waitangi -1688 BIll of Right. Скачать
psuedolaw action.Part TWO Peasants revolt courts with Treaty of waitangi -1688 BIll of Right. Скачать
Oaths of England-Northern Ireland-Scotland-New Zealand - Australia A Korao is coded to the oaths Скачать
Judith Colins " Parliament is drafting laws by unqualified people and passing 3 readings in one day. Скачать
Queen Elizabeth and King Charles (Part 4 ) help the peasants to hold ministers to account. 2024 Скачать
His Majesty King Charles III (Part 2) Jacinda Ardern and Crown Law to account to uphold the oath Скачать
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth (Part 1) call Jacinda Ardern and Crown Law to account to uphold the oath Скачать
King Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII Usurped the English Crown 2024 Pretended Title of the Crown Скачать
Northern Ireland-Southern-New Zealand-Southern Ireland-Northern New Zealand RISING UP2024 January Скачать
Commonwealth Ministers of the Crown must be held to account. Bill of rights 1688 right to petition. Скачать
Appeals court ruling Kate Floss 1688 V jacinda ardern-Andrew Little & Others ... Allcopy right Скачать
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II I Love You. All rights and copyright to Passenger. Song Let Her Go Скачать
8th Waka found . England, Ireland,Scotland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand are being decolonised. Скачать
1688 Glorious Bill of Rights verse the pretended crown Human rights . The court verdict is in Скачать
1688 Bill of right ...Aileeah Colgan ft.King Khancept..1688 Defending Queen Elizabeth II New Zealand Скачать
1688 Indubitable WILL/MARY usurped by pretended titles to the crown Universal rights imposter WILL Скачать
Queen Elizabeth II Which Law is Supreme ? 1688 Bill of Rights or NZ 1990 and United Nations ? Скачать
1688 English bill of rights revival to banish the 1990 NZ BOR United nations entrenchment in NZ law. Скачать