What Really Happens When Car Repairs are Ignored or Even Negligent? Costs You Thousands to Fix! Скачать
The INSANELY High Cost of Tech Failures in Newer Cars! There's A Ticking Time Bomb in Your Dash! Скачать
TWO Years Ago I Rescued my JUKE from the Junk Yard... You Won't Believe How it's Doing Today! Скачать
I'm really getting this project going! Finally got 2 essential items to make my Wanderlodge run Скачать
This is what happens when you don't drive your supercar! Crazy reason 1990 Lotus Espirit doesn't run Скачать
80’s Flashback! This Knight Rider K.I.T.T. car has issues! What’s wrong with it? It's so REALISTIC! Скачать
The SIX cars that I absolutely hated working on! Nightmare repair stories from the CAR WIZARD! Скачать
How can a $10 Circuit Board make a Bentley Continental GT Speed or ANY CAR completely undriveable! Скачать
Why it costs a fortune to fix a car! I've never seen parts cost SO much in my 30 years as a mechanic Скачать