Invited Lecture at CGC Jhanjeri Session on CNNs - February 26, 2022 CS by Sahil Sharma 878 подписчиков Скачать
Revision Lab - 4 [String Questions, Decimal2Binary, FiboRecursion, Fast Multiply, Structures-Union] Скачать
Revision Lab - 3 [MatrixMul, Linear & Binary Search, Greatest of Three, MinMax in Array, ReverseStr] Скачать
Revision Lab - 2 [Armstrong, Calculator, Array - Sort, Insert, Delete, Reverse, Matrix] | Dr. Sahil Скачать
Revision Lab - 1 [EvenOdd, Sum, Prime, Reverse, Palindrome, Fibonacci, Factorial] | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
18 - Soft Linear SVM Implementation for Breast Cancer Detection | Dr. Sahil Sharma | ML Practical Скачать
Lab 04 - 1COE09 - For, While and Do While Loop, Armstrong, and Prime Numbers | 28 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 09 - Assignment, Relational, Logical and Bitwise Operators | 1ME4-6 | 28 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 9 - Data Types, Variables, Constants, I/O, and Intro to Operators | 1ME1-3 | 25 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 11 - Operators in C Continued and Precedence in C Programming | 1ME1-3 | 27 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 8 - Data Types, Variables, Constants, I/O, and Intro to Operators | 1ME4-6 | 25 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 07 - Life Cycle of C Program, Keywords, Identifiers, Datatypes | 1ME4-6 | 22 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 06 - 32-bit Floating Point & Structure of C Program | 21st October 2021 | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lab 03 - 1COE09 - Bitwise AND, Ternary, Greatest of 3, Midpoint, Sum of digits, Reverse of Number Скачать
Lecture 08 - Life Cycle of C Program, Keywords, Identifiers, Datatypes | UTA003 - 19th October 2021 Скачать
Lab 03 - 1COE2 - Bitwise AND, Ternary Operator, Midpoint, Celsius to Fahrenheit - 19 October 2021 Скачать
Lab 02 - 1COE9 - Quadratic Roots, Swapping, Left - Right Shift, Ternary Operator - 14 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 5 - Pseudo Code, Language Generations, Program Life Cycle, Malware, 32-bit Floating Point Скачать
Lecture 4 - Computer Memory, Software, Algorithm, Flowcharts, and Pseudo Code | 13 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 6 - 32 bit Floating Point Representation and C Program Structure | 1ME1-3 | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 05 - Algo, Flowchart, Pseudo Code, and Malware | UTA003 | Dr. Sahil Sharma - 12 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 04 - Base Conversions & Memory Classification | UTA003L | Dr. Sahil Sharma - 11 October 2021 Скачать
17 - ID3 and CART Decision Tree Implementation| Dr. Sahil Sharma | Machine Learning Practical Series Скачать
15 - K - Nearest Neighbours Implementation | Dr. Sahil Sharma | Machine Learning Practical Series Скачать
Lecture 03 - Signed and Unsigned Binary Numbers + Base 2, 8, and 16 Conversions | 08 October 2021 Скачать
Lecture 03 - Introduction to Binary Number System | UTA003L | Dr. Sahil Sharma - 06 October 2021 Скачать
Lab 05 - Least Square Error (LSE) and Gradient Descent Optimization (GDO) based Linear Regression Скачать
Lab 06 - Bag of Words, TF-IDF, Ridge and LASSO Regression, RidgeCV, and LassoCV | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 15 - Logistic Regression Contd and Classification Evaluation Metrics | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 16 - Classification Evaluation Metrics Contd and Naive Bayes Introduction | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 17 - Naive Bayes Continued and Introduction to K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 18 - K Nearest Neighbour Continued and Decision Tree (ID3) Introduction | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
Lecture 02 - Structure of C Program - scanf/printf | UTA003L | Dr. Sahil Sharma - 05 October 2021 Скачать
14 - Logistic Regression using scikit-learn | Dr. Sahil Sharma | Machine Learning Practical Series Скачать
13 - Principal Component Analysis on IRIS | Dr. Sahil Sharma | Machine Learning Practical Series Скачать
08 - Pandas - Conditional Filtering, Method Calls, and Description Sorting | Dr. Sahil Sharma Скачать
04 - Date Time and Timezones in Python | Dr. Sahil Sharma | Machine Learning Practical Series Скачать