吳文專訪ChatGpt談:TOEIC必考搭配詞 Wu Wen Interviews ChatGPT on TOEIC Must-know Collocations #toeic #ChatGpt 吳文英文 4,75 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
吳文專訪ChatGpt談:TOEIC必考搭配詞 Wu Wen Interviews ChatGPT on TOEIC Must-know Collocations #toeic #ChatGpt Скачать
吳文專訪ChatGpt談:如何準備TOEIC單字 Wu Wen interviews ChatGPT: How to Prepare for TOEIC Vocabulary #toeic Скачать
🍀658 溫和改革派勝選!裴澤斯基安當選伊朗新總統Moderate Reformist Pezeshkian Elected Iran's President #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀657 台積電破1,000元大關,市值飆近26兆 TSMC Breaks NT$1,000, Market Value Nears NT$26T #shorts #toeic #news Скачать
🍀656 太空旅行新創新 NASA全力發展極音速飛機 NASA Fully Commits to Developing Hypersonic Spacecraft #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀655 AI加持,今年上半年台灣股市大漲28%,居亞洲之冠 Taiwan Tops Asia with 28% Stock Surge Amid AI Boom #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀652 誰會贏! 拜登、川普第一場總統大選辯論登場 Biden and Trump Face Off in First Presidential Debate #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀650 維基解密創辦人獲釋!無國界記者組織:新聞自由的勝利Julian Assange Pleads Guilty, Set to Return to Australia #shorts Скачать
🍀648 專家推薦5種蔬菜對心臟健康最有益 Experts Reveal 5 Best Vegetables for Heart Health #shorts #toeic #learnenglish Скачать
🍀647 塞納河水太髒,巴黎奧運恐無法舉辦三項鐵人及公開游泳 Seine Pollution Stops Paris Olympic Events #shorts #toeic #English Скачать
🍀646 歐盟國家25日啟動與烏克蘭和摩爾多瓦的入盟談判 EU to Begin Membership Talks with Ukraine and Moldova #shorts #toeic Скачать
004 萬富國小四季路跑(被譽為台灣小學最有傳統路跑之一) Wanfu Elementary's Four-Season Run: A Beloved Taiwanese Tradition Скачать
003 萬富國小(被譽為台灣最美的小學之一)畢業典禮預告 Wanfu Elementary Graduation: Celebrating Taiwan's Most Beautiful School Скачать
🍀645 黃仁勳建議畢業生遇挫折,要像天后泰勒絲名曲一樣「通通甩開」 Nvidia CEO Urges Graduates to "Shake Off" Setbacks #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀644艾司摩爾才剛裝新極紫外光機,再宣佈技術新計畫ASML Announces New Tech Plan After High-NA EUV Installation #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀643北約加碼烏克蘭的支持,匈牙利同意不阻擋Hungary Agrees Not to Block NATO's Increased Support for Ukraine#shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀642微軟創辦人蓋茲建新核電廠,認將改變發電方式 Gates Builds New Nuclear Plant to Transform Power Generation#shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀641法國極右翼大勝 馬克宏即將...Far-Right Victory Macron Dissolves Parliament, Calls for Elections#shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀640 美國NSA發布一絕招,降低手機遭駭客攻擊的風險 US NSA Releases Tip to Reduce Smartphone Hacking Risk #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀638 生命科學報導:大腦容納的資訊量,可能比現有多十倍 Live Science: Brain's Capacity May Be 10 Times Greater #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀637奇蹟!斯洛伐克總理身中多槍逃過一劫 最快月底上班 Miracle! Slovak PM Survives Shooting, Back to Work Soon #shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀636 墨西哥剛選出女總統,女市長就被當街開槍身亡 Mexico Elects First Female President, Mayor Shot Dead #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀634 黃仁勳AI願景:「數位人類」概念 AI Vision! Jensen Huang Unveils Concept of 'Digital Humans' #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀633 國際期刊《自然》報導:台灣兒童近視減緩 Nature: Myopia Slows in Taiwanese Children #shorts #toeic #learnenglish Скачать
🍀630法與德認應允許烏用西方武器,攻擊俄境內軍事目標France and Germany Support Ukraine Using Western Weapons on Russia#shorts Скачать
002 開箱台灣最美圖書館之一,萬富國小圖書館! Unboxing One of Taiwan's Most Beautiful Libraries: Wanfu Elementary!#shorts Скачать
🍀628 巴布亞紐幾內亞嚴重山崩,超過2千人遭到活埋 Papua New Guinea Landslide Buries Over 2,000 People #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀618中國環台軍演再起,台灣新總統呼籲北京停止恐嚇 China Resumes Drills; Taiwan's President Urges End to Intimidation#shorts Скачать
🍀623 20年來最強磁暴來襲,全球極光大爆發!Global Aurora Explosion: Impact of Intense Magnetic Storm #shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀621以色列恐將進攻拉法,空投傳單要平民立刻撤離! Israel Air-Drops Evacuation Notices as Attack on Rafah Looms#shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀620 中國嫦娥六號成功發射,開展月球取樣任務! China Chang'e 6 Launches, Begins Moon's Far Side Mission#shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀619 英金融時報與ChatGPT 用新聞資料庫,訓練人工智慧模型 Financial Times, ChatGPT Train AI with News Database #shorts Скачать
001共創英語新境界,萬富國小全英節目精彩登場! Wanfu Elementary Ukulele Club Performs at Yilan Green Expo, May 1st #shorts Скачать
🍀618烏克蘭使用長程彈道導彈(美國秘密提供),對付俄羅斯 Ukraine's Secretly-Supplied Long-Range Missiles Target Russia #shorts Скачать
🍀617美參院通過950億美元對外撥款案,預計拜登將簽署成法 U.S. Senate Passes $95B Foreign Aid Bill, Biden to Sign#shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀615 價值連城比利時博物館珍藏明朝古董 被偷 Priceless Ming Dynasty Antiques Stolen from Belgian Museum #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀614 美眾院311:112通過援烏、以、台950億美元法案 US House Passes $95B Aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan#shorts #toeic Скачать
003 英文口說要進步,趕快建立自己口說風格! Things you must do to improve your English speaking skills! #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀613 美Typhon飛彈系統首度菲國演訓,射程達上海 Typhon Missile System in Philippine Drills, Range to Shanghai#shorts Скачать
🍀611 花蓮強震5具遺體DNA比對 確定游家五口 Hualien Earthquake: DNA Confirms Yu Family Among Deceased #shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀610 越南女首富詐貸近120億美金被判極刑 Vietnamese Tycoon Sentenced to Death in $12.46B Fraud #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀607全國各縣市特搜隊,趕往花蓮救災! County and city rescue teams nationwide rush to Hualien for relief#shorts#toeic Скачать
🍀606 寶林中毒案重大突破 廚師的手被驗出"米酵菌酸" Chef's hand tests positive for 'Bongkrek acid' #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀605 傳下周一「馬習二會」北京登場! Sources Suggest 'Ma-Xi Meeting' to Take Place in Beijing next Monday #shorts Скачать
🍀604 教宗復活節文告:加薩停火、釋放以色列人質 Pope Francis Calls for Gaza Ceasefire, Hostage Release #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀603 7所高中校務系統遭駭,教育部證實學生個資外洩! 7 high school systems hacked, student data leaked #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀602 寶林茶室中毒案 死者解剖驗出米酵菌酸! Bolam Kopitiam Poisoning: Victim Had Bongkrek acid #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀601台灣沱江級6艘防空型巡邏艦全數到位!All 6 patrol vessels of Taiwan's Tuojiang-class are in place#shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀600 日本將放寬殺傷武器出口 向第3國售新戰機 Japan Eases Arms Export Rules for New Fighter Jets#shorts #toeic #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
🍀599 波音執行長、董事長鞠躬下台 Boeing CEO and Chairman Resign Amidst Controversy #englishnews #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀598 英凱特王妃罹癌 引發王室新動盪 Kate's Cancer Announcement Sparks Fresh Turmoil in Royal Family #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀597 美國司法部起訴蘋果 違反反壟斷法 US Justice Department, States Sue Apple for Smartphone Market Monopoly #shorts Скачать
🍀596 2024 Yilan Green Expo, Mar 30 - May 12, 44 Days! 宜蘭綠色博覽會03/30~05/12隆重登場 #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀595 英凱特王妃術後首亮相,一派輕鬆休閒!Princess of Wales seen out for the first time since surgery#shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀594恐怖火山4連爆, 冰島面對末日天災! Iceland's Fourth Volcanic Eruption: A State of Emergency #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀593俄羅斯總統大選開始,普丁一定..!Russian Election Begins, Putin Set to Win #Putin #englishnews#shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀592 大谷翔平公開愛妻,就是她!Shohei Ohtani Reveals Wife's Identity: She is Mamiko Tanaka. #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀591 史上最大火箭「星艦」順利升空!Starship's Third Launch Sets New Records! #shorts #toeic #spacex #多益 #starship Скачать
🍀美聯邦最高法院推翻科州判決 川普可參加總統初選 States' Attempt to Disqualify Trump from Presidency Rejected #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀588 創歷史!前UN大使海莉,首位女性拿下華府共和黨總統初選 Nikki Haley Makes History with DC Primary Win #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀586 美前駐外大使羅查被控,擔古巴間諜42年 Former US Ambassador Accused of Spying for Cuba for 42 Years #shorts #toeic Скачать
🍀585 全世界女粉絲失戀 大谷突宣布結婚 Ohtani's Marriage Announcement: Social Media Impact #shorts #toeic #Ohtani Скачать
🍀584 台灣首艘國造潛艦海鯤號 出廠展開泊港測試 Hai Kun Prototype Moves to Dry Dock for Final Tests #shorts #toeic #海鯤號 Скачать
🍀583 AT&T12小時網絡故障災難 將賠償影響客戶 reimburse, traverse, victimize #Englishnews #英文新聞 #shorts #toeic #多益 Скачать
🍀579 TOEIC 必考1000題 postulate, corresponding, irrelevant #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
🍀0001-0005 比手畫腳 7000單 bleed, blush, collapse, extend, emerge #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
306-310 TOEIC總複習 populace, mimic, provision, revoke, engender, primacy #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
311-315 TOEIC總複習 toxic, impairment, strangle, affirming, proactively, picturesque #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
🍀534 TOEIC 必考1000題 bequeath, collective, consciousness #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
316-320 TOEIC總複習 imperative, Islam, Christianity, Taoism, expeditious #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
🍀533 TOEIC 必考1000題 instantaneous, communication, achievable #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
321-325 TOEIC總複習 expeditiously, intractable, mitigate, opulently, caliber #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
🍀532 TOEIC 必考1000題 instantaneous, communication, achievable #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
326-330 TOEIC總複習! manifestation, prowess, aficionado, culminating, devour #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
331-335 TOEIC總複習 narrative, regime, sanctioned, incongruous, exceptionable #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
336-340 TOEIC總複習! banner, align, heartfelt, advocating, incentive, tardiness#toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
341-345 TOEIC總複習 flashmob, spontaneous, dispersing, affirming, catalyst#toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
346-350 TOEIC總複習! irrespective, exerting, amelioration, cognizant, physique #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
351-355 TOEIC總複習! detecting, consistently, foremost, astounded, exquisite #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
356-360 TOEIC總複習 reclusion, devoid, throng, euthanasia, deliberation #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
361-365 TOEIC總複習 staple, insatiable, perpetuating, mitigation, succumb #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
366-370 TOEIC總複習 proliferation, fixation, alluring, refrain, blame, exude #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
371-375 TOEIC總複習deforestation, substantial, prominent, timepiece, longevity #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
376-380 TOEIC總複習 magnitude, formidable, voracious, regimen, extensive #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
391-395 TOEIC總複習 ascent, attribute, collaborative, facilitated, sanctuary #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать
🍀514 TOEIC 必考1000題 requisite, auspicious, facilitating #shorts #toeic #learnenglish #多益 #英文文法 Скачать
396-400 TOEIC總複習 preliminary, prospect, tangible, pledge, accessible #toeic #多益 #learnenglish Скачать