Japanese Printmakers of the Twentieth-Century Renaissance: Nakabayashi Tadayoshi 印藝新樣:二十世紀日本大師中林忠良 Скачать
Steven Co@Japanese Printmakers of the 20th Century Renaissance: Kurosaki Akira+Nakabayashi Tadayoshi Скачать
Steven Co at Hong Kong Open Printshop’s Mimeograph and the Diary of Tetsuya Noda Conversation Series Скачать
Dr. Florian Knothe at Noda Tetsuya’s Diary of Contemporary Japanese Prints 野田哲也的日本當代版畫日記 Opening Скачать
Amb. Okada Kenishi at Noda Tetsuya’s Diary of Contemporary Japanese Prints 野田哲也的日本當代版畫日記 Opening Скачать
Drawing on the Mind: Bourgeois, Chamberlain, Calder, Gorky, Manzoni, Moore, Picasso, Zeng Fanzhi… Скачать
Dale Frank: When his wife went away on her frequent business trips Alex would often wear nothing… Скачать