skinny kid goes god mode as on lookers look shocked 93kg/205lbs power clean for reps at 58.1kg Скачать
The worst looking 91kg/200lbs power clean you've ever seen (bonus: accidental property damage) Скачать
If Clarence Kennedy was under weight and bad at weightlifting 95kg/210lbs power clean Pr at 57kg bw! Скачать
5'5 dunker training highlights #7 comeback szn, 90kg ATG speed squats, high jumps, and sprints Скачать
5'5 dunker training highlights #3 RPE 9 atg Front Squat doubles, power clean double, and Sprints Скачать
5'5 Dunker training highlights #2 Speed ATG Squats, Heavy Power cleans, Jump squats and Sprints! Скачать