The grant funding opportunity to implement Embassy Bishkek’s C5+1 Youth Council project. American Spaces in Kyrgyzstan 679 подписчиков Скачать
“Why heritage matters – heritage and conservation in an age of climate change” with Stephen Battle Скачать
Women's history month. “Women in STEM with Senele Goba, South Africa”, TechWomen 2020-2021 Fellow Скачать
"How to stay organized while studying/working from home?" with EducationUSA Kyrgyzstan advisor Скачать
"Всемирный день шрифта Брайля: Образовательные возможности для незрячих людей" с Гульназ Жузбаевой Скачать
International Volunteer Day Panel with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic Скачать