If you’re nervous about something, do it thousands of times and you will no longer be nervous Скачать
He hired his dad for his house flipping business. This was the authority shift from father to son Скачать
Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power Скачать
Some people can’t comprehend working for free for a year. Givers are rewarded big, eventually. Скачать
Women: if you want to marry a general, date him when he’s a soldier. Men: be a soldier worth dating Скачать
I always have respect for athletes because they understand what it feels like to do hard things Скачать
Here’s a line I use to get a homeowner to reveal the reason why they want to sell their home  Скачать
Real entrepreneurs HAVE a story to tell because they’re living a life worth telling. Are you? Скачать
People have legitimate disabilities and are still attacking their dreams. What’s your excuse? Скачать
If you’re unsure that you’re working hard enough, you’re not. When you try your best, you can’t fail Скачать
Entrepreneurship is playing the hand you are dealt. Some people are too scared to start the game. Скачать
Figure out why the homeowner wants to sell, their timeline, home condition, before making your offer Скачать
Mistakes and losses force you to slow down and think. Then, the goal is make your plan and execute Скачать
Drop whatever pity you feel for yourself. Build your confidence by doing what you promised yourself Скачать
I’ve enjoyed standing/walking for 3 hours at my desk, and sitting for the rest of the work day Скачать