Part 5. JIRA Projects | Overview of JIRA Projects | JIRA Project templates | JIRA Project Type Скачать
Part 14 : Automation in JIRA | Automate process in JIRA | Automation repeated processes in JIRA Скачать
Part 13 : JQL | JIRA Query Language | Advance search in JIRA | Advance Search in JIRA using JQL Скачать
Defect Tracking with JIRA | What is JIRA | JIRA Projects |JIRA Board | JIRA Issues | JIRA Workflow Скачать
05. FrontEnd for Laravel | Livewire, Blade, React, Vue, Alpine for FrontEnd | Laravel for Beginners Скачать
How to Deploy React App on AWS Amplify | Deploy NextJs App on AWS Amplify | AWS Amplify Explained Скачать
How to Deploy React App on AWS Amplify | Deploy NextJs App on AWS Amplify | AWS Amplify Explained Скачать
01. Laravel 11 for Beginners | Create Laravel Project | Create Laravel Project using Laravel 11 Скачать
04. Laravel 11 for Beginners | Laravel App Directory explained | HTTP, Models and Providers Folders Скачать
03. Laravel 11 for Beginners | Laravel Directory Structure | Laravel Folder Structure explained Скачать
Part 28 | PHP & MySQL | Connect MySQL using PHP | Connect MySQL with PDO | Connect MySQL with MySQLi Скачать
Part 23 | File Permissions in PHP | chmod() | chown() | chgrp() | mkdir() | rmdir() | chdir() Скачать
Part 18 | OOP(Object Oriented Programming) in PHP : Interfaces in PHP | Extendable Interfaces Скачать
Part 15 | OOP(Object Oriented Programming) in PHP : Visibility | Public | Protected | Private Скачать
Part 14 | Constructor in PHP | Destructor in PHP | Why to use Constructor | Why to use Destructor Скачать
Part 12 | OOP(Object Oriented Programming) : Anonymous function in class | Type Declaration in Class Скачать
Part 11 | OOP(Object Oriented Programming) | PHP Class | new in Class | Class Properties and Method Скачать
Part 10 | PHP Switch | Include | Require | include_once | require_once | Exception Handling in PHP Скачать
Part 9 | GET and POST | Constants in PHP | Magic Constants | Functions in PHP | ... triple dots Скачать
Part 8 | Variables in PHP | Variable with Reference | Predefined Variables | Super Global Variables Скачать
JavaScript Loops, Switch Case, Recursion, Scope, Functions, Objects | Online Class at WIPRO | Day 3 Скачать
Java Script | What is JavaScript | JavaScript Data Types | JavaScript Type | Online Class at WIPRO Скачать
Django Framework | Day 6 | Django Form | Django templates | Django template extend | Bootstrap in DJ Скачать
Django Framework | Day 5 | Django Admin | Django Admin List | Django Admin Filter | Django Search Скачать
Create Virtual Environment | How to Create Virtual Environment | Virtual Environment in Python Скачать
Lecture 16 | List in Python | Part 2 | List length | Change List | Add , remove items from List Скачать
Lecture 9 | Boolean in Python | Python Boolean | Boolean data type in Python | Boolean Operators Скачать
Lecture 8 | Numbers in Python | Integers in Python | Float in Python | Complex numbers in Python Скачать
Lecture 7 | Part 2 | Strings in Python | Strings Concatenating | String length | String elements Скачать
Lecture 7 | Part 3 | Strings in Python | Modify Strings in Python | String formatting in Python Скачать
Lecture 6 : Python Data Types | Data Types in Python | Numeric Data Type | Sequence Data Type Скачать
Lecture 2 | [Hindi] How to install Python | Install Python on Windows | Install Python on Mac Скачать
Selenium with Python | Selenium with Python in Hindi | What is Selenium | How to install Selenium Скачать
Working with Models in Django | Models and Shell in Django | Migration in Django | Migrate in Django Скачать
Create Virtual Environment in Python | Install and Create Django Project in Virtual Environment Скачать