What is economic & financial abuse? (DA DASH MARAC training #4) Dr Krisha 1,07 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
What is coercive and controlling behaviour, emotional and psychological abuse? (DA training #3) Скачать
BASHH UK HIV PEP guideline 2021 #5 (guidelines for pregnant women, those on PrEP and sexual assault) Скачать
Personality Disorder series #5 (EUPD/BPD and general treatment principles motivation, therapy) Скачать
Personality Disorder series #3 (Emotionally unstable/borderline personality disorder EUPD/BPD) Скачать
Substance Misuse #5 lecture (services for drug dependency, harm reduction, safer injecting tips) Скачать
Substance Misuse #4 lecture (giving brief advice and what substance misuse services can offer) Скачать
Substance Misuse #3 lecture (defining at risk/harmful alcohol use/dependence, AUDIT screening tool) Скачать