WOW Amazing || Rainbow massage to poor abandoned baby Tinky look very comfortable UR•Monkeys 2,24 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
How to help baby monkey ? Baby Tinky is so hungry but thanks for feeding milk to orphan Tinky Скачать
What A Problem ? Why baby Tinky reaction like this when he see milk ? Please look For Reaction Скачать
How Much Hungry ? Poor abandoned baby Tinky is super hungry cuz his healthy not well look exhausted Скачать
How To Pity ? How to sleep at night poor abandoned baby monkey Tinky ? God Please Save The baby Скачать
Unfortunately || Poor abandoned baby Tinky can’t come down and sleep on the top of the tree alone Скачать
Restful || Beautiful Baby Winky restfully on the stone but sucking finger look like stressful Скачать
Full Disclosure || Mom Joyce given milk to her big daughter Jovi ,it’s a reason Jovi grow up so fast Скачать
Rarely Clip || What stuck inside his mouth ? Why Sovany do this to poor baby Tinky ? God please Help Скачать
How To Help ? Baby Jovi surprised when see poor baby Tinky like this cuz he never seen before Скачать
What Up Baby Tinky ? His body full of d-ir__ty cuz Binky Winky are very annoying him when hungry Скачать
How Much Hungry ? || Perfectly Adorable Baby…God Bless some milk to him cuz in bottle empty milk Скачать
How Well || Lovely Abandoned Baby Monkey…What Wrong To Baby Binky ? God Please Save Cute baby Monkey Скачать
GOD SAVE || Poor baby Tinky try come to close Monkey Pongo But Unfortunately make Pongo bored Скачать
Beautiful Moment || Tourists are very happy when them can comfort and selfie with the baby monkeys Скачать
Not easy to feed milk to poor baby Binky Winky & Tinky together cuz don’t have milk enough for them Скачать
Pity || Poor babies three orphans Binky Winky & Tinky are very hungry and sucking hands together Скачать
What Pity || Poor abandoned baby Tinky laying alone on the grass look very stressful of him life Скачать
Rarely Clip | Poor abandoned baby Tinky’s very hungry make him shaking body on the land very d-irt_y Скачать
The poor baby monkey Klay waiting for treatment from helper at the dark place with helplessness Скачать
Breaking My Heart || Unfortunately Poor Klay was accident by scooter & first aid by KT look so pity Скачать
Unfortunately || New abandoned baby monkey call KT help while swim in the big pool deep water alone Скачать
Amazing Video || Poor abandoned baby monkey not easy to get milk and KT not easy to feed him too Скачать
Poor abandoned baby Binky Winky are very hungry and sleeping on the stone suck hand look very pity Скачать
Amazing Video ||| Welcome To Abandoned Monkeys Team || They Are So Cute and Maybe very Thirsty Скачать
What’s your style? || Monkey Klay showing him style is very special and funny style never seen B4 Скачать
What Pity || Poor abandoned baby Boy try to defend his milk vs Challenger Joyce Jovi and Jenifer Скачать
Amazing Sense || New comer pigtail monkey challenge with Binky Winky for bottle of milk on KT Скачать
Oh No it’s my milk don’t take it ! New abandoned try to protect his bottle of milk with Julie Скачать
Unbelievable Adorable Baby Klay start to make friends and Adopt with another monkeys at Troop Скачать
So Lucky baby Luno was fell from the high tree 22M but good luck he is okay when he rest longtime Скачать
Adorable baby Robin want to climb tree but Monkey Rose not able to climb cuz Rose is the best mom Скачать
Just Try___! Newborn baby monkey Floran not perfectly to walk alone on the ground and Rock Too ———— Скачать
OMG___!!! Newborn baby monkey Lexi is million cute lip-smacking with KT first time to speak sweet Скачать
Newborn..! What happen on baby Lexi when her mother Louy remove hand ? / Adorable Baby Monkey Скачать
Stronger Newborn baby Floran fail to walking alone first time but he still stand and try again Скачать
Lovely..! Monkey Dawn trying to stop baby Mila don't got milk while KT feeding milk to Mila first Скачать
Congratulations ! Small Mum Louy was given a newborn Female So Beautiful but Louy not care good Скачать
OMG ! Newborn baby Lexi was bored first day but Lexi got careless from her mum cuz mum Louy is small Скачать
Amazing small mum Louy delivering to new baby till successful and gives baby strong and full healthy Скачать
Newborn!Congratulations of Younger mum Flora give new birth successfully (Male) So cute & beautiful Скачать
Very Mess ! Baby Rusty & Dr.Roy are not allow new abandoned Fido drink milk peace & KT can’t control Скачать
Oh No ! Baby Rusty & Dr.Roy is really hungry milk can’t wait during KT preparing milk for them Скачать
Oh No ! Why baby Rusty do that to baby Jenifer ? Baby Jenifer try to run away and call her mom help Скачать
Pitiful ! Poor baby Rusty got hard teach by Julie and KT trying to stop and control Julie but easy Скачать
KT Help ! Baby Rusty just want to touch baby Jenifer make Mom Julie angry and do like that to Rusty Скачать
Baby Rusty hungry milk & huge bottle milk till falling in deep sleep on KT with Dawn huge him back Скачать
Oh No ! Baby Rusty never give up and trying alone on KT back confrontation with Nicole & Sina Скачать
KT trying to teach baby Rusty please obedient just play with another monkeys cuz here is your home Скачать
Don’t respect_!_A cute baby monkey Luno has been separated from his mother on the ground / WHY ? Скачать
Rose hard to huge her newborn baby Robin under heavy rain for covering her baby on the top tree Скачать
Very Pitiful ! Poor abandoned long tail was released in group she really miss her owner too much Скачать
Incredible ! Baby Rosty don’t want KT leave him and keep him alone after KT fed milk to him already Скачать
Oh No ! Abandoned stump tail huge KT legs and don’t want KT leave him alone cuz no one take care him Скачать
Can’t Wait ! New Abandoned Stump Tail can stay with group full Day and wait KT feed Milk together Скачать
Million So Sad ! Abandoned monkey was released a first night look his face full of tears and sadness Скачать
Incredible ! Monkey Rose trained Robin on the top Roof while Rose and Brady stay around for protect Скачать
Monkey tell his owner don’t leave he alone / Human released monkey type stump-tail in SOVANA group Скачать
Full Of Emotion ! Monkey Dawn have good huge and take care of new abandoned long tail so comfortable Скачать
O.M.G ! Luna less care Luno and pull head Luno to the rock make Luno want Lucie take care but Luna.. Скачать
Video Compare of Mum Luna & Mum Rose which one who good mum and nasty mum please enjoys & vote their Скачать
Beautiful Moment ! Sister Lucie is a good sister tries to groom her brother Luno while Luna so tired Скачать
So active ! Cute tiny baby Jenifer very active and happy to see her dad Tom around for protect her Скачать
Breaking My Heart ! Very Pitiful Poor abandoned monkeys sit under rain look very cold & need warmth Скачать
Million Pitiful ! Poor abandoned baby Royston sitting stressful when raining because he was cold Скачать
Congratulations ! Ms.Luna was give a new born baby monkey male so cute and the same day with Ms.Rose Скачать
Big Congratulation and Big Surprise ! Ms.Rose was give a new born baby monkey pigtail so cute Скачать
Very Pleasant ! Newborn Baby Jenifer is walk out her mom look like run so fast just was born 14Days Скачать
Full of love ! Mom Julie always train and Help her baby Jenifer when Jenifer Failed during training Скачать
Best Action ! Cute tiny baby monkey Jenifer want to drink Soy milk looks so cute and beautiful Скачать
Million Pitiful ! Poor abandoned Bravo hug Abandoned Snoopy during heavy rains looks very pitiful Скачать
Very fantastic ! Newborn baby Jenifer was make fantastic walk alone around her mom so fast like run Скачать
Surprise ! Newborn BB monkey Jenifer is starting to have teeth can see when her sleepy and gets milk Скачать
Full of rest ! Tiny baby Jenifer is laying in front of her mum on the stone can’t close her mouth Скачать