1v4 in tournament don’t mess with me #bgmi #pubgmobile #tournament #jonathan #soul #godlike ABRAR gaming 28 подписчиков Скачать
Don’t try tu push on me 1v2 in tournament#bgmi #competitive #grind #pubgmobile #t1#pubg #custom#1v2 Скачать
1v2 in tournament match #bgmi #competitive #pubgmobile #t1 #grind #bgmitournament #bgmihighlights Скачать
Why are you running, BMOC grind #bgmi #competitive #pubgmobile #grind #t1 #headshot #entryfragger Скачать
1v2 in tournament #bgmi #competitive #grind #t1 #pubgmobile #bgmi#pubg #entryfragger #headshot Скачать
getting closer to dream #entryfragger #bgmi #competitive #t1#pubgmobile #grind #jonathan #rip #scout Скачать
Why are you pushing on me with car don’t drive in front of me #bgmi #competitive #paid #t1 #grind Скачать
A Man with a goldenhand #t1 #competitive #grind #bgmi #pubgmobile #mavi #bgmitournament #goldenhand Скачать
300 meter long running car tracing,don’t drive in front of me #t1#grind #bgmi#competitive#pubgmobile Скачать
Car tracing, don’t drive in front of me #bgmi #competitive #pubgmobile #bgmiturnament #t1 #headshot Скачать
getting better day by day improving my self , all about turnament , aim assist off #grind #t1 #bgmi Скачать
it's time to get better improving my self, aim assist off #grind #t1 #bgmi #competitive #pubgmobile Скачать
Why are you trying for that ,reflex op #grind #t1 #bgmi#competitive #paid #pubgmobile #headshot#bgmi Скачать
Why are you chasing my teammate see first who is standing for the cover #grind #t1 #bgmi #pubgmobile Скачать
Man with a golden hand in every custom #goldenhand #mavi #t1 #grind #bgmi #competitive #pubgmobile Скачать
Growing every day, trying to improve myself,aim asist off #grind #t1 #bgmi #competitive #jonathan Скачать
Why are you running aim asist off #bgmi #compatative #grind #t1 #bgmitipsandtricks #bgmishorts Скачать
BGMI IPhoneXR T1 scrimes competitive aimassist of gameplay #bgmi #bgmiturnament #compatative #grind Скачать