#284 let's to create pagination number of pages using bootstrap 5 Php Anonymous 25,1 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
#268 Understanding the Single Responsibility and Retrieving Object Names Using ReflectionClass Скачать
#266 Let's do some improvements and create a first properties for the table property auto convention Скачать
#257 what is the CSRF and how can make it ? create csrf token and csrf field functions part #2 Скачать
#222 let's to make prefix group and middleware for this group to add role for all group routes Скачать
#128 practicing #67 add toastr.js to show success message when create , update and deleted record Скачать
#125 practicing #64 add unique Validation rule to check if value like email or mobile already used Скачать
#116 practicing #55 Add news CRUD Operation create template , controller and localizations part2 Скачать
#115 practicing #54 Add news CRUD Operation table and create relationship with user and category Скачать
#114 practicing #53 add bootstrap pagination on render with full functionality next , Previous page Скачать
#109 practicing #48 insert data in to categories and enhance redirect function C-Create part3 Скачать
#105 practicing #44 create auth,logout function and make session authenticate admin to sign in Скачать
#104 practicing #43 add login page with validations and create back,bcrypt,hash check functions Скачать
#99 practicing #38 enhance in caching template file to replace if statement and foreach as example Скачать
#96 practicing #35 handling redirect in to self in validation function and call back errors as api Скачать
#92 practicing #31 add integer rule validation and bind rules & translate attributes in one array Скачать
#90 practicing #29 let's to make our validation functions to secure our attributes with first rule Скачать
#84 practicing #23 A small example of writing code comments with PHP doc Tag and how to use ChatGPT Скачать
#89 practicing #28 Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder to Access files in public folder Скачать