Types of Graph | Simple | Multi | Null | Regular | By- Harendra Sharma Bhai Bhai Tutorials 10,8 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Maximum and Minimum Element in Hasse Diagram | POSET | Discrete Mathematics | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Maximal and Minimal Element in Hasse Diagram | POSET | Discrete Mathematics | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Hasse Diagram in Discrete Mathematics | Part - 2 | Shortcut | Examples | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Hasse Diagram in Discrete Mathematics | Part - 1 | Examples | Step by Step | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Matching in Graph | Maximal Matching, Maximum Matching, Perfect Matching | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Line or Edge Covering in Graph| Minimal and Minimum Line Covering| Graph Theory| By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Pushdown Automata Example No. 2 | Equal no. of a and b | PDA | TOC | Automata | By:- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Circuit Matrix and Fundamental Circuit Matrix in Digraphs | Directed Graph | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Incidence Matrix and Reduce Incidence Matrix | Directed and Undirected Graph | By - Harendra Sharma Скачать
Radius | Diameter | Central Point| Center| Circumference| Girth |Graph Theory | By:- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Types of Directed Graph (Digraphs) | Symmetric Asymmetric and Complete Digraph | By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Euler Graph in Graph Theory | Tricks to find a graph is Euler Graph or not | By:- Harendra Sharma Скачать
One One, Many One, Onto, Into | Types of Function | Discrete Mathematics | By :- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Types of Relation | Identity | Complement of Relation | Discrete Mathematics | By:- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Introduction of Graph in Hindi | Self Loop, Parallel Edges | Discrete Structure | By-Harendra Sharma Скачать
Epsilon NFA in Hindi | Conversion of epsilon NFA to NFA | TOC | Automata | By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Examples of Minimization of DFA in Hindi |Partition Method | TOC | Automata | By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Example of NFA in Hindi |Non Deterministic Finite Automata |TOC | Automata| By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Non Deterministic Finite Automata in Hindi | NDFA | NFA | TOC | Automata | By- Harendra Sharma Скачать
Example of DFA in Hindi | Deterministic Finite Automata | DFA |TOC | Automata| By- Harendra Sharma Скачать