Try adding ring muscle ups into your routine for an efficient and effective upper body workout.💪📲 Скачать
Legs 90 degrees during bench press is a great way to incorporate core muscles during the movement. Скачать
Moving heavy weight on a regular basis improves our ability to apply & handle pressure seamlessly. Скачать
The goal is the help people get stronger for their sport, tactical purposes, and lifestyle.💪📲 Скачать
Side lying leg raises (Jane Fonda’s) are one of the most underrated and underutilized exercises.💪📲 Скачать
Use a massage gun for tight muscles toward preventing overuse issues and over-tight tissues.💪📲 Скачать
Frog squats are one of the most effective mobility exercises within StrengthApp? Do you do them? Скачать
One of the best ways to train your core, shoulders, and coordination are the lateral leopard crawls. Скачать
Hamstring curls on an exercise ball with a glute bridge are a great way to activate the hamstrings. Скачать
Mobility is important pushing through full ranges during mobility every rep is most important. Скачать
Zercher squats, one of the best squat variations for developing core strength & protecting the back. Скачать
One of the best explosive exercises with heavy presses is the tall kneeling med ball chest pass. Скачать
Snatch Grip Deadlift is arguably the most effective deadlift variation for adding lean mass.💪📲 Скачать
FLR Plank Holds a body weight option for isometric strength. 1 minute is solid, 5+ minutes is ELITE. Скачать
Produce more power during the incline DB bench press by adding band resistance to the movement. Скачать
DB Box Step Ups alternating legs each rep are a great exercise for balancing out quads & hamstrings. Скачать
In many ways broad jump is more important than vertical jump for assessing overall athletic ability. Скачать
Gator crawls are one of the most effective crawling variations, do them full ROM for full benefit. Скачать
L Sit aka Z Press with dumbbells, great for shoulder strength, stability, and core engagement. Скачать
Want to improve lower back, hip, and core strength? Try flying BirdDogs a few times per week. Скачать
Mixing explosive movements with stability components can be very potent for maximizing performance. Скачать
Mobility training on a regular basis helps improve our movement quality which enhances performance. Скачать
Injury prevention isn’t just a tagline or buzzword, train to be more flexible as we get stronger. Скачать
DB stands for Dumbbell & RDL stands for Romanian Deadlift. Reverse lunges after RDLs are effective. Скачать
StrengthApp is for anyone, anywhere looking for a simple and effective solution to GET STRONGER. Скачать