🤖 Building Hyper-Advanced Agents Step-by-Step: Autonomous Loops, Auto-Prompt Engineering, and More 🤖 Скачать
Business Automation Workshop: Automating Finance, Marketing, Programming with AI Agent Swarms Скачать
[Live Swarms User Onboarding][Configuring your Environment, VS Code Extensions, and The Agent Class] Скачать
Implementation of "Learning to (Learn at Test Time): RNNs with Expressive Hidden States" while Sick Скачать
Scaling Multi-Agent Collaboration to Thousands of Agents with SCP [Swarm Communication Protocol] Скачать
[MobileVLM: A Fast, Strong and Open Vision Language Assistant for Mobile Devices][Paper Reading 📑] Скачать
Unified-IO2 Autoregressive Multimodal Model with Vision, Language, Audio, and Action [Paper Reading] Скачать
Unveiling the Ultimate Fashion Revolution: A Swarm of Personal Stylists Hacking Your Style Game! Скачать
[Swarms Demo] Media Team Swarm: Swarms of Autonomous Agents Automating Blog Generation in 1 minute Скачать
[Towards General-Purpose Speech Abilities for Large Language Models Using Unpaired Data][Analysis Скачать
JARVIS-1: Multi-task Agents with Memory-Augmented Multimodal Language Models Reading by Agora Скачать
FlashFFTConv: Efficient Convolutions for Long Sequences with Tensor Cores Reading and Analysis Скачать
Swarmulator: Pytorch Visualization of "Exotic swarming dynamics of high-dimensional swarmalators" Скачать