How govCMS is part of the open government and open data movement - DrupalGov Canberra 2017 DrupalGov 46 подписчиков Скачать
A blueprint for a secure Drupal 8 platform and build process with composer - DrupalGov Canberra 2017 Скачать
A Continuous Delivery Culture: The Next Step for Agile in Government? - DrupalGov Canberra 2017 Скачать
Mapping the unmappable: content geographies in Drupal - Angus Gordon - Drupalgov Canberra 2016 Скачать
Drupal Site preview and dealing with embargo content - Paul Kilpatrick at Drupalgov Canberra 2016 Скачать
DrupalGov Canberra 2014: Owen Lansbury - Facilitating Code Collaboration with Drupal in Government Скачать
DrupalGov Canberra 2014: John Albin Wilkins - The new Front-end work-flow from ticketing to building Скачать
DrupalGov Canberra 2014: Pia Waugh - Open Source and Open Communities: enabling better government Скачать