What is Cancer in Health Psychology - Cancer and Changing Mortality Rates - Risk Factors Your Cancer Desert Rose Psychics 5,96 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
What is Cancer in Health Psychology - Cancer and Changing Mortality Rates - Risk Factors Your Cancer Скачать
Cardiovascular Disease in Urdu & Hindi - Cardiovascular Disease in Health Psychology - PSY260 (CVD)| Скачать
What is Pain in Health Psychology - Pain Theories in Health Psychology - Pain & Its Management | Скачать
Stress and Coping in Urdu/Hindi - Stress and Coping in Health Psychology - PSY260: Health Psychology Скачать
Motives - Motives in Military Psychology - Aptitude Tests - Psychological Mechanism - Frustration | Скачать
Selection and Recruitment in Military Psychology - Psychological assessment in Army - Aptitude Tests Скачать
Efficiency in Military Psychology - Efficiency and work Habits - Efficiency affect the environment Скачать
Hearing - Hearing in Military Psychology - Structure and Function of Ear - Role of smell in war | Скачать
Vision - Vision in Military Psychology - Structure and function of eye - Color Blinders - Camouflage Скачать
Military Psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Use of Psychology in two world wars - Psychology and Military Скачать
Theories of Social Psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Charles Horton Cooley Theory - Social Psychology Скачать
What is Neurodevelopmental disorders - Types of Neurodevelopmental disorders - Causes & Symptoms | Скачать
Postpartum Depression Disorder in Urdu/Hindi - Causes & Symptoms, Treatment of Postpartum Depression Скачать
What is Parental Depression in Urdu/Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Treatment of parental depression | Скачать
What is Seasonal Effective Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Treatment of SAD - DSM-5 Скачать
Biodiversity in Urdu & Hindi - Levels of Biodiversity - Pakistan Ecological Diversity - Biology | Скачать
Delusional Disorders in Urdu & Hindi - type of Delusional Disorder - Symptoms & Causes - Treatment | Скачать
Comparison between Islamic psychology and Modern psychology - Islamic Perspective of psychology | Скачать
Self Based Approaches in Urdu & Hindi - Types of Self Based Approaches - Positive Psychology | Скачать
What is Cognitive Approaches? - Cognitive Focused Approaches in Urdu & Hindi - Positive Psychology | Скачать
What is Positive Psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Positive prevention - Positive Therapy - PPSC & CSS | Скачать
Standardized Testing in Urdu & Hindi - Measurement and Assessment - Types of Standardized Tests | Скачать
Motivation in Learning and Teaching in Urdu & Hindi - What is Motivation? - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Cognitive views of Learning in Urdu & Hindi - Cognitive Learning Theory - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Behavioral Views of Learning in Urdu & Hindi - Behaviorism: Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, Skinner | Скачать
Role of the Teacher in Urdu & Hindi - 7 Ways TEACHERS Shape Educational Psychology - CSS & PPSC | Скачать
Learner Differences & Learning Needs in Educational Psychology - Students Having Specific Disorders Скачать
What is Agoraphobia? - Agoraphobia Disorder in Urdu/Hindi - Symptom & Causes - Diagnosis & Treatment Скачать
Generalized Anxiety Disorder in Urdu/Hindi - Symptoms & Caused - Diagnosis & Treatment of GAD | Скачать
What is Homosexuality in Science? - Science Behind LGBTQ - Homosexual About Myths vs Facts in Urdu | Скачать
Panic Disorder - What is Panic Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Diagnosis & Treatment Скачать
Genes - What is Genes ? - Genes in Urdu & Hindi - Structure of genes - Functions of genes - Biology Скачать
Psychodynamic Theory - Psychodynamic Approach (Sigmund Freud) - Theories of social Psychology | Скачать
Ethical Standards in psychology - Ethical Standards in Ethical Code of Conduct ـ Urdu & Hindi | Скачать
kohlberg's theory of moral development - Stages of Moral Development - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Self & Others in Educational psychology - psychology understanding Self and Others - Urdu & Hindi | Скачать
What is Self Concept & Self Esteem ? - self concept and self esteem - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Theory of Erikson's - Erikson's Work on Psychosocial Development - 8 Stages of Psychosocial Theory Скачать
Family and Community Partnerships in Urdu & Hindi - Family & Community Partnerships in Psychology | Скачать
What is Language Development in Urdu/Hindi - Stages of Language Development - Educational Psychology Скачать
Role of Adults and Peers in Urdu & Hindi - Role of Adults - Role of Peers - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Vygotsky's Sociocultural approach in Psychology - Vygotsky's Theory - Educational psychology | Скачать
Schizophrenia Spectrum disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Symptoms & Causes - Treatment of Schizophrenia | Скачать
Interpersonal Attraction in Social Psychology -Types of Interpersonal Attraction - social psychology Скачать
Social Anxiety Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Symptoms & Causes - Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder | Скачать
What is RNA in Urdu & Hindi - RNA and Proteins - RNA and types of RNA - Levels of Protein Structure Скачать
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Type of Depressive Disorder - Diagnostic Criteria Скачать
Interpersonal violence in social psychology - Types of Interpersonal violence - Social Psychology | Скачать
Enforcement of ethical conduct in psychologist - Enforcement mechanism - @DesertRosePsychics | Скачать
Mood Disorders in psychology - Types of mood Disorder - Symptoms - Treatment of Mood Disorder | Скачать
Clinical Interviews in psychology - Types of clinical Interviews - Component of Clinical Interviews Скачать
What is DNA in Urdu & Hindi - Structure of DNA - Function of DNA - Structure & Function of DNA | Скачать
What is Selective Mutism disorder - Symptoms & Causes - Treatment of Selective Mutism disorder | Скачать
Separation Anxiety Disorder in Urdu/Hindi - Diagnostic Criteria of Separation Anxiety Disorder | Скачать
What is Anxiety Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Symptoms & Causes - Treatment of Anxiety Disorder | Скачать
Personality Development in Islam - Islamic Perspective of Psychology - Muslim Concept of Man | Скачать
Piaget Theory of Cognitive Development in Urdu/Hindi - Piaget stage of Cognitive Development | Скачать
Specialization and Integration in Urdu & Hindi - What is Specialization? - What is Integration? | Скачать
Basic Tendencies in Thinking - Basic Tendencies in Thinking in Urdu/Hindi - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Cognitive Development - Cognitive Development and Language of Students - Education Psychology | Скачать
Clinical psychology - What is Clinical Psychology in Urdu & Hindi - History of Clinical psychology | Скачать
Scope of Clinical Psychology - Current status of clinical psychology - Scope and Current Status | Скачать
Training in Clinical Psychology - Educational Requirement - Training - Licensing and Certification Скачать
What is Chromosomes in Urdu & Hindi | Chromosome Structure | Types of Chromosomes | Biology | Скачать
Persistent Depressive Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - What is Dysthymia Depression - Diagnostic Criteria| Скачать
Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) | Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment - DSM-5 | Скачать
What is Major Depressive Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Types of Major Depressive Disorder - Dsm-5 | Скачать
Types Of Depressive Disorders in Urdu & Hindi - Types of Depression - Depressive Disorders in DSM-5 Скачать
What is Depressive Disorders in Urdu/Hindi - Depressive Disorder and its types - Symptoms - Causes | Скачать
What is Schizoaffective Disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Diagnosis & Treatment | Скачать
Paranoia Disorder - What is Paranoia Disorder in Urdu/Hindi - Symptoms/Causes - Diagnosis/Treatment Скачать
What is Hebephrenia Schizophrenia in Urdu/Hindi - Symptoms & Causes - Diagnosis & Treatment | Скачать
What is Paranoid Schizophrenia - Paranoid in Urdu/Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Diagnosis & Treatment Скачать
What is Catatonic Schizophrenia in Urdu & Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Diagnosis & Treatment | Скачать
Using Research to Understand and Improve Teaching - Research Method in Educational Psychology | Скачать
What is Good Teaching in Urdu & hindi - Good Teaching and its types - Educational Psychology | Скачать
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Urdu & Hindi - Causes & Symptoms - Treatment of PDD - DSM5 | Скачать
What is Metabolism in Urdu & Hindi - Stages of Metabolism - Categories of Metabolism - Biology | Скачать
Consumer Decision Process in Urdu & Hindi - Stages Of Consumer Decision Process | Consumer Behaviour Скачать
History of Homosexuality, gay and lesbian in Urdu | History of Homosexual | Gay & lesbianism History Скачать
Principles of Cellular Life in Urdu & Hindi - Chemical basis - Structure of cell - Function of cell Скачать
History of Islamic psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Theories of Islamic psychology - Islamic Psychology Скачать
What is Social Interaction in Urdu & Hindi - Community Interaction - Types of Community Interaction Скачать
What is Biosphere in Urdu & Hindi - Biosphere Components - Human impact on Biosphere - Biology Скачать
Animals Nutrition in Urdu & Hindi - Nutrition in Invertebrates - Nutrition in unicellular organism | Скачать
What is Consumption in Urdu & Hindi - Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy - Consumer Behaviour Скачать
What is Consumer Behaviour in Urdu & Hindi - What is Consumerism ? - Ethics of Consumer Behaviour | Скачать
Teacher Student Relationship in Urdu & Hindi - Teacher Student Relationship - Educational psychology Скачать
Teaching Mythology in psychology - Teaching Mythology in Urdu & Hindi - Counselling psychology | Скачать
Animals Nervous System in Biology - Circulation in Animals - Types of Circulation in Animals | Скачать
What is Neuron in Animals - Neuron in Urdu - Neuron and its types - Structure & Function of Neuron | Скачать
Educational Psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Teachers and Teaching - Role of Educational Psychology | Скачать
Group Counselling in Urdu & Hindi - What is Group Therapy - Type of Group Therapy - Techniques | Скачать
Conflict and Cooperation in Urdu & Hindi - What is Conflict and Cooperation in Social Psychology | Скачать
What is Anxiety in Urdu - Anxiety Kya Hoti Hai in Urdu - Anxiety Disorder in Urdu - Anxiety Ka Ilaj Скачать
Discrimination in social psychology - Discrimination in Urdu & Hindi - Types of Discrimination | Скачать
APA Ethical Principles of Psychologist in Urdu & Hindi - Code of Conduct -Enforcement and Compliance Скачать
History of Pakistan in Urdu - Election 1988 - Constitutional Phases - 1988 election and it's Results Скачать
Anaximander - Anaximander in Urdu - Anaximander Philosophy in Urdu - Philosophy of Anaximander | Скачать
Thales - Thales in Urdu - Thales Philosophy in Urdu - Philosophy of Thales - History of Philosophy | Скачать
Constitutional Phases 1971 to 1977 in Urdu - Politics of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto - Social Studies | Скачать
History of Pakistan - Difference Between East & West Pakistan - Separation of East Pakistan & West | Скачать
Biological Basis of Behaviour in psychology - Neuron Structure and Function - Central Nervous System Скачать
Perspective of muslim philosophers in Urdu & Hindi - Integrated personality - Western Criteria | Скачать
What is Islamic Perspective of Psychology - Scope of Islamic Perspective of Psychology - Urdu/Hindi Скачать
What is Listening Skills - Practice English Listening for Beginners - Learn English Listening Skills Скачать
Paragraph writing in English - What is Paragraph writing in Urdu/Hindi - Types of Paragraph Writing Скачать
Nutrition in plants in Urdu & Hindi -What is Diffusion & Osmosis - Cellular pathway & Ascent of SAP Скачать
Territoriality in Environmental Psychology - Personal and Private Space - Environmental Psychology | Скачать
Plants Transportation in Urdu & Hindi - Phloem Translocation - Types of transpiration - Biology | Скачать
Nutrition in Plants in Urdu & Hindi - Types of Nutrients in Biology - Nutrition in Plants in Biology Скачать
What is Family Counselling in Urdu & Hindi - What is Family Therapy? - Types of Family Therapy | Скачать
What is Plants in Biology - Plant Tissues in Urdu & Hindi - Types of tissues in Biology - Biology | Скачать
What is Islamic perspective of Psychology - Scope of Islamic Psychology - Islamic Psychology | Скачать
Beck Cognitive Therapy in Urdu/Hindi - An introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Aaron Beck Скачать
What is Mass Media - Mass Media & Mass Communication - Perspective of Mass Media & Communication | Скачать
What is Gestalt Therapy in Urdu & Hindi - Counseling based on Gestalt counseling - Gestalt therapy | Скачать
Person centered counseling in urdu & hindi - Person Centered Therapy - Applied counseling psychology Скачать
Assessing Counseling in Urdu & Hindi - Counselor & Clients Variables - Values & Ethical legalities | Скачать
what is psychology in Urdu & Hindi - Aims of psychology - schools of thoughts in psychology | Скачать
Test Construction in Urdu/Hindi - General Principles of Test Construction - Psychological Assessment Скачать
Introduction to Quranic Studies in Urdu & Hindi - History of Quran - Uloom-ul-Quran - Islamic study Скачать
Work condition in Industrial Psychology - Arranging time and space for work - Effective work system Скачать
What is Stress in Urdu & Hindi - Theoretical model of Stress - Stressor - Outcomes of stress | Скачать
What is Propaganda in Social psychology - Role of propaganda in social Media - Social Psychology | Скачать
What is Persuasion in Urdu & Hindi - Techniques & Methods of Persuasion - Social psychology | Скачать
Political and Constitutional Phases 1971 to 1977 in Urdu - Differences between East & West Pakistan Скачать
What is Teaching Methodology - Teaching Methodology in psychology - Types of Teaching Methodology | Скачать
Persuasion in Social Psychology - Types of Persuasion - Techniques of Persuasion - Social Psychology Скачать
What is Phrases and Clauses in English Grammar - Phrases Vs Clauses - Analysis of phrases & Clauses Скачать
Job Satisfaction and job commitment in Urdu - Theories of job satisfaction - Industrial Psychology | Скачать
What is Myths in biology - realities of Evaluation - Myths and Realities of Evolutions - Biology | Скачать
Initial problems of Pakistan in Urdu - Types of Initial Problems in Pakistan - Social study | Скачать
What is Distributions in Statistics - Normal Distribution vs Skewed Distribution - Urdu & Hindi | Скачать
Kinds of Sentences in English - Kind of Sentences in Urdu/Hindi - BS English Literature and Language Скачать
Applications of Environmental Psychology - Applications of Environmental Psychology in Urdu & Hindi Скачать
What is Propaganda in Urdu - Propaganda in Social Psychology | Role of propaganda in social media Скачать
Modes Of Counselling in Urdu & Hindi - Group counseling - Telephonic Issue - Online Counseling | Скачать