memotong roti tawar buatan sendiri.#cutting homemade white bread.# Yusanto Family 418 подписчиков Скачать
alhamdulillah dengan lampu telur ayam menetas.#Thank God the chicken egg hatched with the light.# Скачать
Masjid Kubah Timah,BangkaBelitung.#the splendor of the Tin Dome Great Mosque,BangkaBelitung.# Скачать
naik motor dipantai pasir padi .#riding a motorbike on the rice sand beaches of Bangka Belitung.# Скачать
nikmat nya istri ku makan bakso di pinggir pantai.#My wife enjoys eating meatballs on the beach.# Скачать
ngopi di bibir pantai themberan,BangkaBelitung.#drinking coffee on themberan beach, Bangka Belitung# Скачать
danau disinar bulan, pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung.#Lake in the moonlight of Bangka Belitung# Скачать
suasana pagi di pantai themberan,Babel.#Morning atmosphere at Themberan Beach, BangkaBelitung Скачать
naik motor di pangkalpinang,Bangka Belitung. #riding a motorbike in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung# Скачать
boss bojo makan nasi kuning,ayam& es kelapa.boss bojo eats yellow rice, chicken & drinks coconut ice Скачать
boss bojo makan tahu,tempe,sambal&ketimun #boss bojo eats tofu, tempeh, chili&cucumber in the garden Скачать
boss bojo nguap,karena ngantuk dan ke lelahan.#boss bojo yawned, because he was sleepy and tired# Скачать
boss bojo buka warung soto betawi.#boss bojo the first day he opened a soto betawi food stall# Скачать
boss bojo bawa karung untuk bungkus buah nangka..#boss bojo brought a sack to pack the jackfruit# Скачать
boss bojo singkirkan kelapa karena hujan .#boss bojo got rid of the coconuts because the rain hit# Скачать