"PIROUETTE" 16.10.04 Half tour (pirouette) with the working leg extended to the back to 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.10.03 Half tour (pirouette) with the working leg extended to the front to 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.10.02 Half tour (pirouette) with the working leg extended to the back to 45 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.10.01 Half tour (pirouette) with the working leg extended to the front to 45 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.09.02 Tour (pirouette) tire-bouchon starting with the working leg at 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.09.01 Tour (pirouette) tire-bouchon starting with the working leg at 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.08.02 Tour (pirouette) tire-bouchon starting with the working leg at 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.08.01 Tour (pirouette) tire-bouchon starting with the working leg at 90 degrees Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.06.02 Tour (pirouette) starting with the working leg at 45 degrees to the back Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.06.01 Tour (pirouette) starting with the working leg at 45 degrees to the front Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 16.05.01 Tour (pirouette) starting with the working leg at 45 degrees to the side Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 15.13.02 Temp relevé at 45 degrees with foot on demi-pointe, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 15.13.01 Temp relevé at 45 degrees with foot flat on the floor, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 15.02.01 Pas de bourrée suivi, en dehors and en dedans, with both hands on the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 14.10.01 Fouetté turn with the working leg extended to 90 degrees, to and from the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 14.08.01 Fouetté turn with the working leg extended to 45 degrees, to and from the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 14.05.01 Soutenu en tournant with foot pointed to the floor, to or from the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 14.03.01 Half-turn with feet changing, feet flat on the floor, to or from the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 13.05.02 Third Port de bras with the working leg raised to 90 degrees, on demi-pointe Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 13.05.01 Third Port de bras with the working leg raised to 90 degrees, on demi-pointe Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 13.01.01 Bending of the upper body to the side and back, with both hands on the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 11.06.02 Battement développé tombé with working leg pointed to the floor, in poses Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 11.06.01 Battement développé tombé with working leg pointed to the floor, en face Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 11.01.01 Battement relevé lent at 90 degrees in the first position to the side and back Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 10.01.01 Petit battement sur le cou-de-pied, equable shift, with both hands on the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 09.07.01 Battement double frappé at 45 degrees ending in demi-plié, at a half-turn Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 08.07.01 Battement fondu at 45 degrees with plié-relevé en demi rond de jambe, en face Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 08.03.01 Battement fondu at 45 degrees, supporting foot flat on the floor, en face Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 07.06.01 Grand rond de jambe with the thigh held at 90 degrees, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 07.05.01 Demi rond de jambe with the thigh held at 90 degrees, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 07.04.01 Rond de jambe with the thigh held at 45 degrees, supporting leg on demi-pointe Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 07.02.01 Rond de jambe with the thigh held at 45 degrees, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 07.01.01 Demi rond de jambe with the thigh held at 45 degrees, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.11.02 Rond de jambe en l'air with the thigh held at 90 degrees ending in poses Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.11.01 Rond de jambe en l'air with the thigh held at 90 degrees ending in poses Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.09.01 Double rond de jambe en l'air ending in demi-plié, en dehors and en dedans Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.04.01 Rond de jambe en l'air with the foot of the supporting leg on demi-pointe Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.03.01 Rond de jambe en l'air with the foot of the supporting leg flat on the floor Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 06.02.01 Rond de jambe en l'air, en dehors and en dedans with both hands on the barre Скачать
"PIROUETTE" 05.03.01 Rond de jambe par terre with both hands on the barre, en dehors and en dedans Скачать