Music Works 6.3 Black Lives In Music - Real Change in The Music Industry: A Check-In On Progress Скачать
Music Works 6.1. Musicians’ Union’s Challenges and Goals for 2022 - Building a Fairer Music Industry Скачать
Music Works 5.11. Trans Voices: bringing opportunity and authenticity to the performance space Скачать
Music Works 5.4. Vibrance & diversity – how Cape Town Opera is firing up South Africa’s music scene Скачать
Music Works 4.9. “Let What’s In, Out” – Amy Thatcher tells the story behind her latest release Скачать
Music Works 4.4. From Shakespeare to Chaplin to Musical Maths: the London Piano Festival 2021 Скачать
Music Works 1.17. Being female - adaptability, flexibility & the challenges women face as musicians Скачать
Music Works 1.6. Using the difficulty - how musicians are finding opportunities in challenging times Скачать
Music Works 1.2. Belonging vs Fitting In - Inclusivity & the creative process with Ella Jarman-Pinto Скачать
Music Works 2.6. Annie Ridout on freelancing, music, and how online communities can help you thrive. Скачать
Music Works 2.3: Too Much Mozart: towards a truly diverse and inclusive classical repertoire. Скачать
Music Works 2.2. When live music stopped; how one singer turned performance into a doctorate. Скачать