For loop | while loop | range function | Programming Questions | Python List tuple set & dictionary Student Globe 5,1 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
For loop | while loop | range function | Programming Questions | Python List tuple set & dictionary Скачать
Program to display first positive 10 odd integers | Print numbers from 50 to 100 with a gap of 5 Скачать
Python Program to print sum of natural numbers| Sum of Natural Number | For Loop and While Loop Скачать
Program to print first 10 positive integers | For Loop and While Loop in Python | Looping statement Скачать
What is Algorithm and its properties | Component of Algorithm | Design, Validate, Analyse and Test Скачать
Lec 28: Simplification of context free grammar | Unit production, Null production & Useless product Скачать
Longest Common Subsequence Problems | LCS | Longest Increasing Subsequence | CS Gate Problems Скачать
Computer Network: Network Layer, Cipher Text and RSA Problem | Gate Preparation Video Set- III Скачать
Computer Networks: Data Link based problems | Gate preparation video- II | CRC, Sliding window Скачать
Computer Networks: IP address Problems | Previous year gate questions set- I | GATE BARC ISRO NET Скачать
How to find token in compiler design ? | Token in compiler design | Lexical Analysis | Gate Problems Скачать
What is Token, Identifier, and Lexemes | What is Lexical Errors | Lexical Analysis | Compiler Design Скачать
Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation Assignment 9 week 9 | Assignment 9 week 9 Скачать
Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation Assignment 10 week 10 | Week 10 Assignment 10 Скачать
Axis Transformation using Excel | how to change axis of XY- plot in excel | Multiple columns axis Скачать
TOC GATE LECTURE PART-II | Automata Theory | CFG, PDA, Turing Machine, Recursive enumerable language Скачать
Theory of Computation Gate Lecture: Part-I | DFA, NFA, CFG, TYPE-3, TYPE-2, TYPE-1 & TYPE-0 GRAMMAR Скачать
Lec-25:Closure Properties of Regular Sets | Regular language closed under union, intersection, Compl Скачать
Lec-19: Direct and Indirect recursion | Factorial using recursion LIFO| Recursion in data structure Скачать
Lec-00: NFA for beginners | NFA Vs DFA |Conversion NFA to DFA | Non Deterministic Finite Automata Скачать
Graph Theory | Simple, Complete, Plannar, Bipartite Graph and Chromatic Number | GATE Problems Скачать
Lec-00: Automata Theory for begginers | Regular Expression & Languages | Transition matrix TOC Скачать
PART-2: Advance Features of Google Form | Quiz with TIMER & Form LIMITER | Manage Responses in excel Скачать
Disk partition in Linux system | Advantage of disk partitioning | System information using 'uname' Скачать
Lec-XI: Flowchart for Pyramid Triangle | Triangle pattern and pyramid | flowchart vs algorithm Скачать
Lec- XII: Flow chart for series 1+2+4+5+7+8+ ... | Computer science | Flowchart and Algorithms Скачать
Lec- XIV: Flowchart for sum series 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^2 + .... | Flowchart and Algorithms for sum series Скачать
Lec-XV: Flowchart for sum series 1!*1 + 2!*2 + ... + N!*N | 1!/1 + 2!/2 + ... + N!/N |2^0 + 2^1 +.. Скачать
Propositional Logic, Conjunction & Disjunction | Knowledge Representation |Converse & contrapositive Скачать
what is constraint Satisfaction | Constraints Satisfaction Problems | Artificial intelligence Скачать
Hard link and Soft link in Linux | What is hard link ? | Difference between hard link and soft link Скачать
Properties of Information Theory | prove information is zero | Information is combined for messages Скачать
Problem based on measure of information | Information content given | Information theory and cryptog Скачать
What is information theory ? | Measure of Information | M.Tech Second Semester Information Theory Скачать
How to get cipher text | problem based on cipher text | Cryptography | Public key and Private key Скачать
Numerical based on NETWORK LAYERs | Subnetwork problems | Default mask and subnet mask problems Скачать
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Problem with proper example | Error Detection | Computer Networking Скачать
Computer Networks Gate practice questions | Problem Set -I | GATE BARC ISRO NET | OSI model layers Скачать
Lec-12: Calculate address of array elements | Row major and Column major array implementation Скачать