| Horror Dance | | Anugoonj 2024 | | Springdale College, Pilibhit | SPRINGDALE COLLEGE, PILIBHIT 2,22 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
|Dedication to father | A Dance performance and Act- Anugoonj 2024| |Springdale College Pilibhit| Скачать
Gujarati Folk Mashup- Dance Performance in Anugoonj (Annual Function) 2024- Springdale College Pbt Скачать
Vibrating Waves- Dance perform. by Students of Springdale College, Pbt on Anugoonj (Annual Func)2024 Скачать
Chak Dhoom Dhoom | Kids dance | Anugoonj 2023 (Annual Function)| Springdale College, Pilibhit Скачать
Fusion of Anger & Joy (A Dance Perform.) in Anugoonj (Annual Function )2023- Springdale College, Pbt Скачать
Bhagavad Gita Dance -Act in Anugoonj (Annual Function 2023) - | Springdale College Pilibhit | Скачать
Class 11th- Business Studies | Chapter 6 | Social Responsibilities Of Business And Business Ethics Скачать
Winning Moments of Panav Jagota from Springdale College in LEAD Championship held in Hyderabad.... Скачать
Generation Gap (A Skit on Social Issues) in Anugoonj (Annual Day Celeb.) in Springdale College, Pbt Скачать
A Tribute to Raj Kapoor- Dance Performance in Anugoonj (Annual Day) in Springdale College Pilibhit Скачать
Western Dance Performance in Anugoonj (Annual Day Celebration) in Springdale College, Pilibhit Скачать
Dil hai chhota sa..Chhoti si Asha ..(Kids Dance) in Annual Function in Springdale College Pilibhit Скачать
Golden Groovers(Kids Dance) in Anugoonj (Annual Function 2019-20 ) in Springdale College, Pilibhit Скачать
English Grammar- Use of articles for Primary Section (Class I to IV) - Springdale College, Pilibhit Скачать
Class XI Chemistry- Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties-Springdale College, Pbt Скачать
Class XI Chemistry -Chap. 3(Classification of elements & Periodicity in proper.) Springdale College. Скачать