Outer Solar System Bodies: Exploration and Complex Chemistry Centro de Astrobiologia (CAB) 3,15 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Short-term recurrent microbialite patterns: resilience against climatic changes inAndean environment Скачать
Short-term recurrent microbialite patterns: resilience against climatic changes inAndean environment Скачать
Network science to study the emergence of complexity from the origin of life to current biosphere Скачать
Día de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia - 11/02/2024 Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, CSIC-INTA) Скачать
To Be or not to Be: the possible binary origin of classical Be stars - Dr. Julia Bodensteiner Скачать
The ancient prions - the role of protein self-templating in regulation, inheritance, and adaptation Скачать
Searching for Evidence of Life: From Earth Analogue Field Sites to... | EAI Academy 2023-03-22 Скачать
Virtual laboratories for understanding weather and climate regimes of ... | EAI Academy 2023-01-11 Скачать
Effect of saltation and abraded silicates on the survival of bacteria... | EAI Academy 2022-11-16 Скачать
The use of Near-Infrared spectroscopy to understand our neighbours: from Mars to small bodies Скачать
Life inside the rocks: microbial diversity and metabolisms in the deep... | EAI Academy 2022-06-01 Скачать
Experimental Projectile Impact Chamber (EPIC) at CAB in support of the DART-Hera space missions Скачать
Searching for evidence of life on subterranean Mars:Prospects and Challenges| EAI Academy 2022-05-11 Скачать
From the thermodynamic evolution of the protosolar nebula to the present... | EAI Academy 2022-05-04 Скачать
The Hidden Microbial Life in Earth’s Lava Caves: Implications for Life... | EAI Academy 2022-03-09 Скачать
Defining exoplanetary habitability:climate models and hydrogen-bond criteria |EAI Academy 2021-12-08 Скачать
Could Earth have Desert and Ocean Planet Siblings with Plate Tectonics? | EAI Academy 2021-11-24 Скачать
Cartografía de la superficie de Marte mediante imágenes orbitales –Mapping the surface of Mars Скачать
On the Origin of Life: From networks of prebiotic reactions to the DNA-protein world | 13-11-2020 | Скачать
Micro-curso 'Cómo ir al campo y no morir en el intento. Guía simple para que casi todo salga bien. Скачать
Barnices y endolitos: ecosistemas donde la radiación tiene un papel especial | Seminario 2019-12-03 Скачать
Unravelling bio-structures and applications by high resolution spectroscopies | SEMINARIO 4-10-19| Скачать
Microorganismos en soluciones de perclorato a temperaturas bajo cero: implicaciones para Marte Скачать
Canibalismo galáctico: Trazando la materia oscura en las galaxias próximas con corrientes estelares Скачать