🫶 Have a beautiful Thursday morning everyone!⛈️ Don’t forget to watch the storms sometimes. Top Conservative 723 подписчика Скачать
We have a culture problem in this country and im afraid there may be no way to dig ourselves out. Скачать
Boone Cutler, live in OKC with General Flynn, teaches the audience about 5th generation warfare. Скачать
Boone Cutler gets a round of applause in OKC for our feelings on the Medical Industrial Complex Скачать
💊 Boone Cutler talks a little bit about his military retirement and how getting off VA “zombie dope Скачать
Did you know that kids are having to protest against kids who identify as animals at their schools? Скачать
Gen Flynn introduces Boone Cutler at the premiere of “Flynn: Deliver the Truth Whatever the Cost” Скачать
Surrounded by likeminded patriots at the premiere of “Flynn: Deliver the Truth, No Matter the Cost” Скачать
Breaking: Trump unable to secure bond for $454 million judgement in NYC fraud case as Marxist tyrant Скачать
📝 Report: Self-proclaimed Hezbollah terrorist arrested in Texas #headlinenews #openborder #arrested Скачать
🙌 My new fanny pack is here! 🤷♂️ I don’t care if you judge me, this is the coolest thing ever! Скачать
If our economy is so good then why so many layoffs? #economy #layoffs #tysonfoods #perryiowa #iowa Скачать
“The Homeless Vet” Double Standard: How come it’s okay to throw vets out to make room for illegals? Скачать
Double Standard: How come it’s okay for paper straws to be wrapped in plastic? #climatechange Скачать
How come it’s okay for the state of #California to ban guns from areas we need them most? #gunban Скачать
“The Gen-Z Sudden Death” Double Standard: How come it’s not okay to talk about the large number? Скачать
“Changing Gun Laws” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for the ATF to change rules to change laws? Скачать
Happy Saturday, dudes! #happysaturday #saturday #lunchtime #greenscreen #cringe #dudes #beard Скачать
Did Joe Rogan snitch on Elon Musk? #joerogan #elonmusk #katwilliams #neuralink #brainchip #data Скачать
Is #traviskelce worshipping the debil? We should ask @BartBakerOfficial #swifties #taylorswift Скачать
“The President Biden” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for President Biden to pretend he’s okay? Скачать
“The Public School” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for public schools to hide their agenda? Скачать
😏 I’m a conservative content creator, of course… #ima #conservative #contentcreator #ofcourse Скачать
Joe Biden obviously believes he’s above the law, or lives in a different reality altogether. #biden Скачать
“The Epstein List” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Ghislaine Maxwell to rot in prison? Скачать
🤔 Was it a cyber attack or a psyop? #fbi #homelandsecurity #glitch #psyop #cyberattack #volttyphoon Скачать
🤨 Do you really think it wasn’t a cyber attack? A message from Top C: #att #cyberattack #hackers Скачать
“The Climate Solution”Double Standard: How come it’s not okay to leave climate protesters glued? Скачать
🚨 Headlines Only🏆 Michigan State DEI award goes to this “special” liberal…#headlines #headlinenews Скачать
Double Standard: How come it’s okay to protest here but not in other countries? #climatechange Скачать
🤔 Why won’t Nikki Haley drop out? #trump #presidenttrump #nikkihaley #uniparty #news #politics Скачать
“The Border Protection” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for the US to protect foreign borders? Скачать
“The LGBTQ Community” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for them to praise Middle Eastern places? Скачать
“The Palestinian Refugee” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Muslim countries to demand that we Скачать
“The Climate Activist” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for climate activists to buy beachfront? Скачать
“The Racism” Double Standard: How come it’s okay for any group to hate? #racism #hate #judgemental Скачать
🤔 Why can’t we protect our own borders? #attentionspan #news #headlinenews #randpaul #spending Скачать
Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Arab nationa to support Palestine yet take no refugees? Скачать
“The Hamas Hostages” Double Standard: #hamas #gaza #israel #hospital #hamashospital #liberals Скачать
🚨 The president could die because he’s old. #biden #bidendementia #kamalaharris #presidentkamala Скачать
The Jewish Democrat Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Jewish dems to vote against themselves? Скачать
The Vegan Pot Pie Double Standard: How come it’s okay for vegans to shame meateaters? #vegan #meat Скачать
‼️ Part 7 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored. #bigpharma #vaccines #poison Скачать
The Gun Rights Double Standard: How come it’s okay for Democrats to try and take away American guns? Скачать
‼️ Part 6 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored #drs #prescriptions #medication Скачать
“The Border Funding” Double Standard #border #borderfunding #illegalimmigration #ukrainefunding Скачать
Double Standard: How come it’s okay for the left to riot in the capital when the cause is correct? Скачать
‼️ Part 5 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored. #seattle #tachycardia #death Скачать
‼️ Part 4 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored. #seattle #canada #lostweight Скачать
‼️ Part 3 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored. #health #death #sideeffects Скачать
Part 2 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Reichenbach_Uncensored. #health #death #heartattack Скачать
Part 1 of 35: @newsupdates4real interviews Doc Reichenbach about being forced to take the jabs. Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #liberals #privilege #israel #palestine #hamas #conservative #freepalestine Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #leftwing #climate #climatechange #paperstraws #plastic #conservatives #beard Скачать
🧊 French Gang Attacks White People and Kills 1 #france #french #stabbingawareness #whitepeople Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #leftists #extremists #trump #epstein #clinton #presidenttrump #billclinton Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #communists #socialists #marxists #strategy #tactics #education #government Скачать
🧊 Kamala Calls For Gas Stove Ban #kamalaharris #thanksgiving #gasstoves #gasstoveban #climate #epa Скачать
🤔How come it’s okay? #gunban #firearms #gunsafety #secondamendment #gunrights #democrats #education Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #strategy #tactics #socialists #marxists #dictators #patriots Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #politics #secretsociety #democrats #republicans #uniparty #madisoncawthorn Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #internettrolls #democrats #liberals #jewish #jew #israel #scapegoat #haters Скачать
Ireland Riots Blamed on Right-Wing Extremism #ireland #dublin #migration #immigration #children Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #adoption #adoptionjourney #fostercare #fosterparent #abuse #trafficking Скачать
🇺🇸Say NO to “American Democracy” #democracy #usconstitution #constitution #foundingfathers #civics Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigration #openborder #bordercrisis #bidenadministration #texas Скачать
Sam Bankman Fried: From King of Crypto to King of Canned #Tuna #sambankmanfried #ftx #prison #inmate Скачать
Glued Themselves in Front of #NonBinary Floats #thanksgiving #macysparade #climate #freepalestine Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #aoc #johnkerry #gretathunberg #liberals #climatechange #climate #unqualified Скачать
#Chicago Black Community Fed Up With Illegals #blackcommunity #illegalimmigrants #illegalimmigration Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #jeffreyepstein #epstein #epsteinisland #cia #mossad #government #scandal Скачать
🧊 New North Korean Spy Satellite #onice #kimjongun #northkorea #spysatellite #military #worldnews Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #publiceducation #publicschool #woke #conservative #liberal #teachersunion Скачать
🧊 Ireland’s Future President, #ConnorMcGregor Being Investigated #ireland #dublin #dublinriots Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #hippies #legalization #liberals #legalize #decriminalize #wellness #rehab Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #california #gunban #2a #secondamendment #gunrights #concealedcarry #laws Скачать
🧊 Texas Sex-Ed Teacher Fired For Being a Hooker #texas #publicschools #parents #ashleyketcherside Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #greenday #billiejoearmstrong #trump #genesimmons #immigrants #learnenglish Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #propalestine #palestine #palestinian #hamas #prohamas #protest #protesters Скачать
🧊 US Steel Lays of 1,000s and Agrees to Sell to Japan #ussteel #biden #bidenomics #layoffs #japan Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #illegalimmagration #trafficking #abuse #nonprofit #biden Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #freespeech #algorithm #conservative #liberal #veteran #trollhunters #trolls Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #tiktok #politics #shirtless #chesthair #shirtlessmen #baldguy #reaction Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #hamas #hamasisis #hamashostages #hostages #israel #palestine #gaza #torture Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #trump #maine #shennabellows #secretaryofstate #abrahamlincoln #civilwar Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #illegalimmagration #homelessveteran #disabledveteran Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #republicans #conservatives #americafirst #laurenboebert #kenbuck #election Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #nsa #surveillance #wikileaks #edwardsnowden #julianassange #ciadocuments Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #immigrants #immigrant #culture #americans #usa #genesimmons #doublestandards Скачать
🎄 How come it’s okay? #christmas #christmas2023 #christmasmovies #woke #wokehollywood #hollywood Скачать
🤔How come it’s okay? #impeachment #republicans #democrats #bidenimpeachment #biden #trump #politics Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #youngpeople #genz #health #cardiology #cardiacarrest #heartattack #medical Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #gop #republican #vivekramaswamy #rondesantis #election2024 #trump #patriots Скачать
🤔How come it’s okay? #christian #christiancollege #collegebasketball #lgbt #niac #nccaa #basketball Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #liberals #oregon #legislation #legalization #drug #culture #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #guns #gunrights #gunlaws #secondamendment #atf #sneaky #criminal #felony Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #biden #presidentbiden #sleepyjoe #bidenfails #mentalhealth #seniorcitizen Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #parents #teachers #publicschool #schoolboard #curriculum #parentsrights Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #biden #presidentbiden #sleepyjoe #bidenfails #mentalhealth #seniorcitizen Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #freespeech #permaban #silenced #alexjones #unbanned #elonmusk #twitter #x Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #ghislainemaxwell #jeffreyepstein #elites #cia #mossad #conspiracy #billbarr Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay?#ghislainemaxwell #jeffreyepstein #epstein #epsteinisland #elites #cia #mossad Скачать
🤔How come it’s okay? #jacksmith #presidenttrump #supremecourt #election #felon #hunterbiden #voters Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #ukraine #ukrainewarrussia #usaid #ukrainefunding #zelensky #usa #politics Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #johnfetterman #corruption #republicans #gop #marjorietaylorgreene Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #ccp #cyberattack #hacker #infrastructure #china #xijinping #biden #liberals Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #ghetto #crime #lowincome #socialprograms #leadership #truth #fact Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #conservatives #politics #trump #assasination #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #id #voterid #democrats #government #illegalimmigration #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #juststopoil #plasticpollution #congress #ignorance #manufacturing #society Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #specialcounsel #jacksmith #supremecourt #presidenttrump #trump #election2024 Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #politicians #congress #backdoordeals #marjorietaylorgreene #conservative Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #antisemitism #harvard #upenn #mit #sallykornbluth #lizmagill #claudinegay Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #id #voting #rights #prison #exconvict #felon #society Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #usa #usaid #israel #gaza #hamas #southernborder #cartel #mexico #tunnels Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #borderwall #walls #politicians #usa buildthewall #wall #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #congress #georgesantos #senate #bobmenendez #politics #corruption #ethics Скачать
🤔 How come its okay? #arielnicholson #lavernecox #vogue #voguecover #covergirl #lgbt #jacobin Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #democrats #debate #facts #sources #trolls #conservatives #culture #society Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #climatechange #climate #protest #culture #society #solution #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #supremecourt #court #liberals #conservatives #antifa #maga #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #climatechange #massmigration #conservatives #solutions #society #culture Скачать
🤔How come it’s okay? #usaid #foreignaid #usa #values #standards #border #society #culture #politics Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #southernborder #illegalentry #usmexicoborder #canada Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #immigrants #immigration #conservative #bordercrisis #border #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #openborders #homeowner #selfdefense #secondamendment #2a Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #immigration #immigrationreform #illegalimmigrant #democrats #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #celebrities #hollywood #humantrafficking #sponser #corporations #sweatshop Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #wateruse #agriculture #farmers #farming #waterconservation #climatechange Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #migrantcrisis #crime #socialjustice #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #government #gunban #gunlaws #gunviolence #mentalhealth #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #politicians #trafficking #humantrafficking #saveourkids #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #savetheocean #plasticstraws #cardboardstraw #pollution #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #childlabor #humanrights #childabuse #slavery #saveourkids #india #china #ngo Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #climateactivist #climatechange #pipeline #amazonrainforest #deforestation Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #americantroops #military #army #marines #navy #openborder #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #assaultweaponban #gunban #firearmsafety #gunrights #2a #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #childtrafficking #humantrafficking #trafficking #culture #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #palestine #feminism #womensrights #arabwomen #arabnations #conservatives Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #lgbt #pride #middleeast #muslim #lgbtqrights #arablgbtq #society #culture Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #gunrights #gunlaws #lawabidingcitizen #guncontrol #gun #guns #criminal Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #palestinianrefugees #palestine #gaza #jordan #egypt #syria #lebanon #iran Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #feminist #women #beautystandards #middleeast #dresscode #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #foreignfunding #usaid #foreignaid #disabledveterans #homeless #society Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #antitrafficking #humantrafficking #foreignpolicy #unitednations #society Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #foreignwars #usaid #bigpharma #opioidcrisis #addiction #society #culture Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #liability #guncrime #crime #caraccident #society #culture #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #publicschool #publicschools #gunfreezone #armedguards #society #culture Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #foreignaid #values #homeless #society #culture #politics #conservative Скачать
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🤔 How come it’s okay? #usaid #marshallplan #globaleconomy #infrastructure #usa #roads #bridges Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #environmentalist #borderwall #buildthewall #climatechange #illegalimmigrants Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay?#illegalimmigrants #publicservices #taxburden #middleclass #conservatives Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #politician #gunrights #firearms #gunlaws #personalsecurity #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #transparency #funding #traffickingawarenes #childsafety #followthemoney Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #police #worldpolice #usa #america #citycrime #cities #cops #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #energyindependance #drillingforoil #drilling #oilandgas #foreignoil #energy Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #flatearth #climatechange #leftists #conservatives #palestine #conspiracy Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #youtube #algorithm #bias #bigtech #genz #bigtechcensorship #conservatives Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #illegalimmigrants #illegalimmigration #nyc #shelter #brooklyn #complaining Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #christian #highschoolfootball #baptism #footballcoach #school #teachers Скачать
✈️ How come it’s okay? #thanksgiving #thanksgivingtravel #airmarshals #illegalimmigrants #border Скачать
🦃 How come it’s okay?#thanksgiving2023 #liberals #generationz #victimhood #conservatives #politics Скачать
🦃 How come it’s okay? #veganthanksgiving #veganfood #thanksgiving #thanksgiving2023 #veganturkey Скачать
🦃 How come it’s okay? #thanksgiving #thanksgivinghistory #thanksgiving2023 #history #truehistory Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #seancombs #pdiddy #puffdaddy #cassieventura #metoo #rapper #doublestandards Скачать
🤔 How come it’s okay? #gaza #hamas #palestine #freedomfighter #israel #retaliation #doublestandards Скачать