Awaken Chaos Era: Patch update is coming. But does it matter if these issues are not address? Скачать
Summoners Wars: Songseol, the one unit no one knows about in RTA. ohhh disappointing summoning too Скачать
Summoners War: Friday Night Fight: Me Vs the Views.. Can you guess how many lighting in 11 scrolls Скачать
Summoners War: Which is true? Despair Loren is Awesome: 3 Lighting in 12 scrolls: I got 2 Nat 5. Скачать
Summoners War: How you like my thumb nail? The Com2us summoners challenge. Most Epic RTA battle Скачать
Summoners War: 113 Scrolls of Disappointment. Yes.....Com4us is what happen when you buy packs Скачать
Summoners War: The New Account Road Block + Plus a slow Nat 5 Day.... get it? You will, just watch. Скачать
Kingdom of Heroes: This is not a rant... Im just confused. Please help me !! Again not a rant Скачать
Kingdom of Heroes: Tactic War: Let our powers combine. The Nat 5 (Captian Planet) Combine Edition Скачать
Kingdom of Heroes: Tactic Wars. Lets talk Morgan. Also lets see my new nat 5 and my monster box Скачать
Kingdom of Heroes: Tactic War. Small helpful tip. (Testing out new edit software and guild recruit) Скачать
Calibria Crystal Guardians: RTA is Coming what should you do. Also one shot Hydra boss challenge Скачать
Calibria Crystal Guardians: 14 sec Lair team....... Is it possible. The Blackybear after affect Скачать
Calibria Crystal Guardian: Special guest summoned me a new Nat 5. A challenge has been issued Скачать