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10 amazing facts about food 😱|Mind Blowing Facts In Hindi | Random Facts| Food Facts #shorts #short Скачать
किया आप जानते हैं इंटरनेशनल स्पेस स्टेशन को बनाने में कितना खर्च आया है? | Hindi Facts #shorts Скачать
गैस सिलेंडर में कौनसी गैस भरी जाती है? | Which gas is filled in gas cylinder? | Hindi GK #shorts Скачать
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किस राज्य में 'साँभर झील' स्थित है? | In which state is 'Sambhar Lake' located? | Hindi GK #shorts Скачать
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भारत की राष्ट्रीय मिठाई क्या है? | What is the national sweet of India? | Daily GK #shorts #gk Скачать
सचिन तेंडुलकर किस जाति के हैं? | Which caste does Sachin Tendulkar belong to? | Hindi GK #shorts Скачать
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कौन सा ऐसा देश है जहाँ सूर्य 76 दिनों तक नहीं डूबता है? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge #shorts Скачать
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कोहिनूर हीरा किस देश के पास में है? | Which country has the Kohinoor diamond? | Hindi GK #shorts Скачать
मच्छर एक दिन में कितने अंडे देते हैं ? | How many eggs do mosquitoes lay in a day? | GK #shorts Скачать
Who is the first Indian woman to fly Rafale? | Hindi GK General Knowledge | Info Magnet GK #shorts Скачать
Which vegetable was first grown on earth? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge | Info Magnet GK #shorts Скачать
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Which planet is called the evening star? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge | Info Magnet Gk #shorts Скачать
Which fruit is eaten the most in India? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge | Info Magnet GK #shorts Скачать
Where is the headquarters of ISRO located? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge | Info Magnet Gk #shorts Скачать
Which state is the largest producer of wind energy in India? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge #shorts Скачать
Which is the longest dam of India? | Hindi GK | General Knowledge | Info Magnet Gk #shorts #gk Скачать