Losing Faith in God: A Conversation with Jon Steingard Apologetics Academy 4,62 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Critiquing the Kalam Cosmological Argument: A Conversation with Atheist Phil Harper ("SkyDive Phil") Скачать
Minimal Facts vs. Maximal Data Approaches to the Resurrection: A Conversation with Dr. Lydia McGrew Скачать
Why Does John Call Jesus the Word, and Why Does It Matter? A Conversation with Dr. John Ronning Скачать
Does the Bible Teach that the Lost Will Live Forever in Torment? A Conversation with Chris Date Скачать
Are Endogenous Retroviruses Convincing Evidence for Primate Common Ancestry? Dr. Andrew Fabich Скачать
Undesigned Coincidences in the Scriptures: An Argument of Their Veracity (Jonathan McLatchie) Скачать
Pornography, Prostitutes, and God's Design for Sexuality: A Conversation with Jonathan Daugherty Скачать
Stealing from God -- Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case: Science (with Dr. Frank Turek) Скачать
Does the Qur'an Promote Peace, or Aggressive Violence? A Conversation with Muslim Yusuf Ismail Скачать
The Archaeological and Historical Reliability of the Old Testament: A Conversation with Ted Wright Скачать
Free vs. Controlled Transmission in Regards to the Qur'an and New Testament (with Dr. James White) Скачать
The Case for the Pro-Choice Position on Abortion: A Conversation with John Ferrer (Devil's Advocate) Скачать