Easy Access to the Extracanonical World - The Bible and Beyond Discussions Early Christian Texts 980 подписчиков Скачать
The Canaanite Woman: Interchanges Within and Outside the Canon - Bible and Beyond Discussions Скачать
What Are the Best Words For ‘Early Jesus People’ and Their Work? - Bible and Beyond Discussions Скачать
Spotlight on the Secret Revelation of John, Episode 5 - "Universalist Salvation: A Matter of Choice" Скачать
Spotlight on the Secret Revelation of John, Episode 4 - "Sophia: Maybe a Case of Civil Disobedience" Скачать
Spotlight on the Secret Revelation of John, Episode 2 - "How Myth Can Bring Hope in the World Today" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight - Episode 8 - "The True Advantages of Gnosis" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 7 - Healing and Consciousness Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 6 - "Salvation is a True Help" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 5 - "Unshakeable Bravery" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 4 - "Soul Greater than Death" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 3 - "Why Use Mythic Language?" Скачать
Illuminating the Secret Revelation of John Spotlight Series - Episode 2 - "Jesus, Sophia, and Aeons" Скачать
Dealing Under the Table: Ritual Negotiation of Women’s Power in Early Christ People’s Gospels Скачать
Luke, Didache, and Prayer of Thanksgiving: It Began with Meals - Bible and Beyond Discussions Скачать
Norea: Key Dimension of God’s Fullness and/or Eve’s First Daughter - Early Xian Texts Discussions Скачать