Are you a man/husband/Fiance? Then listen. Full video on YouTube channel #koinoniaglobal WFR Word of Revival 163 подписчика Скачать
MAN BE PREPARED [DON’T MISS] Powerful message for single and married #koinoniaglobal #forhisglory Скачать
HARD TRUTH WOMEN MUST KNOW/Apostle Joshua selman #koinoniaglobal #overcomingdaily #soaringdaily Скачать
ARE YOU A GOD FEARING WOMAN? [MUST WATCH]/ 1M view #forhisglory #koinoniaglobal #overcomingdaily Скачать
Signs to be sensitive to…#forhisglory #dunamisworshipcenter #soaringdaily #dunamishub #biblestudy Скачать
What happen when you read the Bible everyday/Apostle Joshua selman.#koinoniaglobal #overcomingdaily Скачать
WHAT HAPPENED WHEN YOU READ YOUR BIBLE EVERY DAY/ Joshua selman #overcomingdaily #soaringdaily Скачать
WHY YOU NEED TO BUILD AN ALTAR OF PRAYER. Time to seek God|Apostle Joshua selman #forhisglory Скачать
Every family has non-Humans + prayer (breakage of bonds )#godseekertv #kingdomkeys #naijasermon Скачать
5 THINGS THAT DESTROY YOUR PRAYER LIFE AND HINDER YOUR DESTINY #koinonia #koinoniaglobal #revival Скачать
HOW TO KEEP SATAN FAR FROM YOUR LIFE -Apostle Joshua Selman #kelfusiontv #SBiC #biblicalchristian Скачать
KEYS TO CONSISTENT RESULTS IN 2022-Apostle Joshua Selman . #koinoniawatchtv #biblicalchristianity Скачать
Powerful soaking worship -HOLY SPIRIT TAKE OVER by Theophilus Sunday #worshipsongs #worshipmusic Скачать
Proper techniques on how to study your Bible before the beginning of 2022 -Apostle Joshua Selman Скачать
The Keys to open Doors in your life-Apostle Joshua Selman #opendoor#kelfusiontv #Gospelparrottv Скачать
Reasons to have Divine Directions-Apostle Joshua Selman #G12 #biblicalchristianity #koinoniawatchtv Скачать
How to be used by God - Apostle Joshua Selman. #koinoniaglobal #Revivalalert #koinoniawatchtv Скачать