YouTube訂閱人數及觀看計數器 #stonez56 #youtube #subcount #arduinoproject Stonez56 (Kevin Chen) 6,17 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
AI #2 在自己電腦上跑 Continue AI程式助理! 中文字幕 (Run LLM coding assistant locally) #continue #llm #ai #coding Скачать
Arduino #56 U8g2 GPS 速度表 (Design GPS Speed bar with U8g2) #gps #esp32 #arduino #stonez56 #u8g2 Скачать
Arduino #55 新手必看! 超簡單! 用 PlatformIO + VS code 打造你的 IoT 專案(中文字幕)#arduino #platformio #stonez56 #esp32 Скачать
Arduino #50 如何使用 VS Code 編寫 Arduino 2024 更新版 (How to use VS Code to write/edit your Arduino codes) Скачать
2023更新版(有中文字幕) - Raspberry Pi #21集, 快速安裝, 無需鍵盤, 免接螢幕 (Raspberry Pi #21 Headless Installation) Скачать
Arduino #47 實測 LoRa Module 可以傳多遠 (Field test to see how far can the LoRa module trasmit data) Скачать
Arduino #44 Lora 模組溫溼度+遠端開關(LoRa module temperature + humidity + remote relay control, Chinese ver.) Скачать
Arduino #43使用LoRa模組,輕鬆實現長距離免費通訊!(How to use LoRa modules with ESP32 for long distance communication) Скачать
Arduino - Send sensor data w/ Lora module - long distance communication, free of charge, #shorts Скачать
【App Inventor】教學第8集 AI2 Companion 一直斷線怎麼辦? AI2 小技巧 (How to keep AI2 always connected for Android) Скачать
Raspberry pi 4 #17 一起來學樹莓派 - “如何使用 Log2RAM 增加SD卡的壽命, 及Pi運作的效率” (How to use log2RAM extends SD life) Скачать
Raspberry pi 4 #16 一起來學樹莓派 - 解決無法找到 hostname raspberrypi 的兩個方法 (resolve host name raspberrypi local) Скачать
Android #34 用一塊ESP32來學IOT - Android手機也能通 (Learn IOT with an ESP32 / remote control w/ MQTTDash) Скачать
Arduino #31 公用MQTT伺服器實作跨網域遠端控制ESP32 + 繼電器 #31 IOT cross-domain ESP32 via public MQTT server EMQX Скачать
Arduino #30 MQTT實作遠端控制ESP32 + 繼電器 (#30 IOT Remote control ESP32 + relay module via MQTT library) Скачать
一起來學樹莓派系列之 “使用新版 Pi Imager 即可無線登入" (New Pi Imager to with setup Wi-Fi SSH access, ID, Password!) Скачать
NodeRED小技巧 #3 如何在 Node-RED 依感測器狀態變更儀表板圖片 (How to dynamically change widget images in Node-RED) Скачать
Node-RED 小技巧 #2 如何在 Node-RED 的儀表板上加上底圖! (Add background images to Node-Red Dashboard in every tab!) Скачать
#10 “一起來學樹莓派” - “重要資料直接備份 Google 雲端硬碟 w/ Rclone, Mount Google drive on raspberry Pi with Rclone Скачать
Episode #2 Faster disk read/write with USB drive/SSD of the series "Learn Raspberry Pi together" Скачать
Arduino #29 - How to use U8g2 library to show graphic & UTF8 characters for monochrome displays Скачать