First post since last November. Full new library tour coming soon. #books #library #reading Nathan 420 подписчиков Скачать
Library Tour Coming Soon. Youtube is censoring my books, so I'll just post them all together. 1500+ Скачать
Francis Bacon's "Essays" #FrancisBacon #Essays #English #OfTruth #OfBoldness #OfSeemingWise #Books Скачать
Thomas Kuhn's "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" #ThomasKuhn #ScientificRevolution #Books Скачать
Carl Ernst's "Teachings of Sufism" #CarlErnst #Sufism #Islam #Persian #Mystic #Spirituality #Books Скачать
Charles Dickens's "Works" #CharlesDickens #GreatExpectations #OliverTwist #TaleofTwoCities #Books Скачать
Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow" #Kahneman #Psychology #Economics #TwoSelves #Books Скачать
Leopold Kohr's "The Breakdown of Nations" #LeopoldKohr #BreakdownofNations #Disunion #Tyranny #Books Скачать
Ferdinand de Saussure's "Course in General Linguistics" #Saussure #Linguistics #Semiotics #Books Скачать
Frederick Schauer's "Thinking Like a Lawyer" #ThinkingLikeaLawyer #LegalReasoning #LawandFact #Books Скачать
Henry Patroski's "To Engineer is Human" #Petroski #EngineerisHuman #Failure #SuccessfulDesign #Books Скачать
Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter" #ScarletLetter #Hawthorne #HesterPrynne #Heroine #Books Скачать
Darrell Huff's How to Lie With Statistics" #DarrellHuff #LieWithStatistics #Mathematics #Books Скачать
Edgar Allan Poe's "Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination" #EdgarAllanPoe #TheRaven #Books Скачать
Friedrich Nietzsche's "Ecce Homo" Happy Birthday #FirstAuthorizedEnglish #Nietzsche #EcceHomo #Books Скачать
John Gribbin's "Unveiling the End of Time" #JohnGribbin #BlackHoles #WhiteHoles #Wormholes #Books Скачать
Thomas Frieman's "Hot, Flat, and Crowded" #ThomasFrieman #HotFlatandCrowded #GreenRevolution #Books Скачать
Gail Sheehy's "Gorbachev" #Gorbachev #SovietUnion #Russia #Communism #Democracy #Revolution #Books Скачать
John Le Carré's "A Perfect Spy" #JohnLeCarre #APerfectSpy #Spy #Espianage #FirstEdition #Books Скачать
Col. Richard Graham's "Flying the SR-71 Blackbird" #Flying #Sr71 #Blackbird #Secret #Mission #Books Скачать
Monica Muños Martinez's "The Injustice Never Leaves You" #AntiMexican #Violence #Texas #Books Скачать
Jimmy Carter's "A call to Action" #JimmyCarter #ACalltoAction #Women #Religion #Violence #Books Скачать
James Clear's "Atomic Habits" #JamesClear #AtomicHabits #FourLaws #Fundamentals #GoodtoGreat #Books Скачать
Arthur Schopenhaur "The World as Will and Idea" #Schopenhauer #WorldasWillandIdea #Pessimism #Books Скачать
Jaak Panksepp's "Affective Neuroscience" #Panksepp #Foundations #Human #Animal #Emotions #Books Скачать
Robert Hughes's "Rome" #Rome #RomanEmpire #MarcusAurelius #Cicero #Caesar #Christianity #Books Скачать
Langston Hughes's "Poems" #Poetry #TheNegroSpeaksofRivers #GeniusChild #WordsLikeFreedom #Books Скачать
James Allen's "Mind is the Master" #Complete #JamesAllen #AsaManThinketh #MasteryofDestiny #Books Скачать
Kenneth Davis's "Soldier of Democracy" #President #Eisenhower #Biography #FirstEdition #Books Скачать
St. Augustine's "Confessions" #StAugustine #Confession #Catholicism #Rome #GreatArtThou #Books Скачать
Harlow Unger's "Lion of Liberty" #PatrickHenry #LionofLiberty #Revolution #LibertyorDeath #Books Скачать
Andrew Ross Sorkin's "Too Big to Fail" #TooBigtoFail #Bankruptcy #Bailout #FederalReserve #Books Скачать
Nicolaus Copernicus's "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres" #Copernicus #Heliocentric #Books Скачать
Slavoj Žižek's "The Sublime Object of Ideology" #SlavojZizek #Ideology #Marx #Lacan #Capitol #Books Скачать
Hippolytus of Rome's "The Refutation of all Heresies" #Hippolytus #Rome #RefutationofHeresies #Books Скачать
Anthony Lewis's "Gideon's Trumpet" #GideonsTrumpet #LegalRepresentation #SixthAmendment #Books Скачать
Carl Rogers's "A Way of Being" #CarlRogers #AWayofBeing #HumanPotential #PersonCentered #Books Скачать
James Carroll's "Constantine's Sword" #JamesCarroll #Constantine #Crusade #Catholic #Jewish #Books Скачать
Robert Axelrod's "The Evolution of Cooperation" & "The Complexity of Cooperation" #TitforTat #Books Скачать
Geber's (Jābir)"Summa Perfectionis" #Geber #SummaPerfectionis #SumofPerfection #Alchemy #Books Скачать
Mark Lane's "Rush to Judgement" #MarkLane #JFK #Kennedy #Assassination #WarrenCommission #Books Скачать
Peter Kropotkin's "The Conquest of Bread" #Kropotkin #ConquestofBread #Anarchist #Communist #Books Скачать
Michel Foucault's "Madness and Civilization" #Foucault #Madness #Civilization #Insanity #Reason Скачать
J.J. Hurtak's "The Keys of Enoch" #Enoch #Melchizedek #Michael #Metatron #Language #Math #Books Скачать
Frans De Waal's "Primates and Philosophers" #FransDeWaal #PrimatesandPhilosophers #Morality #Books Скачать
Nick Bostrom's "Superintelligence" #NickBostrom #Superintelligence #AI #ExistentialThreat #Books Скачать
Jung Chang and Jon Halliday's "Mao" #Mao #GreatLeapForward #38MillionDead #Famine #Power #Books Скачать
Carl Jung's "Aspects of the Feminine" #CarlJung #Jung #Feminine #Anima #Animus #Mother #Books Скачать
Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" #HannahArendt #Totalitarianism #Imperialism #Books Скачать
Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe" #HolographicUniverse #Quantum #Reality #Brain #Books Скачать
Edward Snowden's "Permanent Record" #Snowden #PermanentRecord #Whistleblower #Surveillance #Books Скачать
Seymour M. Hersh's "The Dark Dide of Camelot" #SeymourHersh #DarkSideofCamelot #Kennedy #JFK #Books Скачать
Joseph Campbell's "The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology" #FourGreatDomains #CitiesofGod #Books Скачать
Christopher Paolini's "Eragon" #Eragon #Brisingr #Inheritance #Alagaesia #Murtagh #Argetlam #Books Скачать
Walter Lippman's "Isolation and Alliances" #WalterLippman #NewWorldSituation #1stEdition #Books Скачать
Noam Chomsky's "Power Systems" #NoamChomsky #PowerSystems #DomesticDisturbance #MentalSlavery #Books Скачать
Bryan Sykes's "The Seven Daughters of Eve" #BryanSykes #DaughtersofEve #Iceman #Genetics #Books Скачать
Erik Larson's "In the Garden of Beasts" #EricLarson #GardenofBeasts #Hitler #Nazi #ThirdReich #Books Скачать
Yuval Harari's "Sapiens" #Sapiens #HistoryofHumankind #Cognative #Agricultural #Scientific #Books Скачать
Nelson Mandela's "A Long Walk to Freedom" #NelsonMandela #Freedom #Apartheid #27Years #Prison #Books Скачать
Martin Gardner's "The Numerology of Dr. Matrix" #DrMatrix #Matrix #Numerology #FirstPrinting #Books Скачать
Jeremy Rifkin's "Time Wars" #JeremyRifkin #TimeWars #Temporal #PrimaryConflict #HumanHistory #Books Скачать
Abraham Maslow's "The Farther Reaches if Human Nature" #SelfActualization #HierarchyofNeeds #Books Скачать
Thomas Bulfinch's "Bulfinch's Mythology" #AgeofFable #AgeofChivalry #Charlamagne #Mythology #Books Скачать
Ludwig Wittgenstein's "Major Works" #Wittgenstein #TractatusLogicoPhilosophicus #Certainty #Books Скачать
Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" #PauloCoelho #TheAlchemist #LanguageoftheWorld #PersonalLegend #Books Скачать
Soren Kierkegaard's "Fear and Trembling" and "The Sickness Unto Death" #SorenKierkegaard #Books Скачать
Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point" #Classified #AntiGravity #Technology #VacuumEnergy #Books Скачать
William Greider's "Secrets of the Temple" #WilliamGreider #SecretsoftheTemple #FederalReserve #Books Скачать
Leszek Kolakowski's "Main Currents of Marxism" #Kolakowski #Marxism #Founders #GoldenAge #Books Скачать
Charles Dickens's "Great Expectations" #CharlesDickens #GreatExpectations #EastonPress #Books Скачать
Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" #Dostoevsky #CrimeandPunishment #Raskolnikov #Books Скачать
David Wallechinsky and Irving Wallace's "The Peoples Almanac" #FirstEdition #PeoplesAlmanac #Books Скачать
Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends" in First Edition No DJ #WherethSidewalkEnds #Books Скачать
Robert Greene's "48 Laws of Power" #RobertGreene #48LawsofPower #SayLess #Formless #Boldness #Books Скачать
Kant's "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics" #ImmanuelKant #Prolegomena #Metaphysics #Books Скачать
Marcus Aurelius's "Meditations" #MarcusAurelius #Meditations #GregoryHays #Rome #Emporer #Books Скачать
Gad Saad's "The Parasitic Mind" #GadSaad #TheParasiticMind #InfectiousIdeas #CommonSense #Books Скачать
Thomas H. Huxley's "Science and Hebrew Tradition Essays" #Agnosticism #Hebrew #LimitedEdition #Books Скачать
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's "Faust" I & II #Goethe #Faust #Mephistopheles #FolioSociety #Books Скачать
Edwin Bernbaum's "The Way to Shambhala" #Shambhala #MythicalKingdom #Himalayas #Enlightenment #Books Скачать
Steven Hawking's "Brief Answers to the Big Questions" #God #TimeTravel #AI #Space #Time #Books Скачать
Douglas Adams's "The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide" #HitchhikersGuidetotheGalaxy #RightQuestions #42 Скачать
Albert Camus's "The Stranger" #AlbertCamus #TheStranger #L'étranger #Absurd #NakednessofMan #Books Скачать
Peter Wohlleben's "The Secret Life of Trees" #SecretLifeofTrees #EnchantedForrest #TreeFriend #Books Скачать
George Orwell's "1984" #GrorgeOrwell #1984 #Totalitarianism #BigBrother #FreedomisSlavery #Books Скачать
Christopher Browning's "Ordinary Men" #OrdinaryMen #FinalSolution #ReservePolice #Poland #Books Скачать
John Updike's "Rogers Version" #JohnUpdike #FirstTradeEdition #Religion #Morality #Theology #Books Скачать
Carl Jung's "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious" #Jung #Archetypes #Unconscious #Books Скачать
Joost Meerloo's "The Rape of the Mind" #RapeoftheMind #ThoughtControl #Menticide #Brainwash #Books Скачать
Robert A. Johnson's "The Fisher King & The Handless Maiden" #FisherKing #Parsival #HolyGrail #Books Скачать
Alfred Adler's "Understanding Human Psychology" #AlfredAdler #HumanPsychology #IndividualPsychology Скачать
"The Federalist" by #AlexanderHamilton #JamesMadison #JohnJay #Federalist #NewConstitution #Books Скачать
Isaac Asimov's "Understanding Physics" #IsaacAsimov #Physics #Light #Sound #Motion #Magnetism #Books Скачать
Michel De Montaigne's "Twenty-Nine Essays" #Montaigne #OnMan #OnPrinciple #OnKnowledgePride #Books Скачать
Soren Kierkegaard's "Purity of Heart is Will to One Thing." #Kierkegaard #PurityofHeart #Books Скачать
Hector Garcia and Francis Miralles' "Ikigai." #Ikigai #Passion #Mission #Vocation #Profession #Books Скачать
Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" #BrianGreene #ElegantUniverse #Superstrings #Dimensions #Books Скачать
Jeremy Bentham's "An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation." #Utilitarian #Books Скачать
Kahlil Gibran's "Spirits Rebellious. #KahlilGibran #SpiritsRebellious #KahliltheHeretic #Books Скачать
Phillip Knightley's "The First Casualty" in a #Signed #FirstEdition #FirstCasualty #Truth #Books Скачать
Edward R. Tufte's "A Visual Display of Quantitative Information." #EdwardTufte #QuantitativeInfo Скачать
Arthur M. Schilesinger Jr.'s " The Age of Roosevelt" Volumes I & III in first printing. #Roosevelt Скачать
Friedrich Nietzsche's "The Dawn of Day" in it's first authorized english translation #Nietzsche Скачать
William F. Buckley Jr.'s "The Story of Henri Tod" in a signed first edition of The Franklin Library. Скачать
Simone de Beauvoir's "The Prime of Life" in it's First English Edition. #SimoneBeauvoir #PrimeofLife Скачать
Solzhenitsyn's "Gulag Archipelago" volume III, First Harper and Row Edition. #Solzhenitsyn #Gulag Скачать