Motion: THW require all defendants in criminal cases to be represented only by state-employed lawyer Скачать
Motion: THBT governments should strongly prioritize combating climate change over economic growth Скачать
Motion: In active combat, this house supports the use of performance-enhancing drugs in the military Скачать
Bạn dành thời gian cho học ngoại ngữ như thế nào. How to use your time effectively to learn English Скачать
Final Round: This House would put an upper age limit for individuals running for political office. Скачать
Whip bánkêt THBT professional sports leagues should implement a fixed, equal salary for all players. Скачать
Nay 2 round đều Win mà Tễu chỉ quay đc R2 This house would mandate carbon pricing for all industries Скачать