Artificial Intelligence - 4 | Importance, Challenges & Future | STET Computer Sci & BPSC TRE 4 Class Edu-Yaan 2,44 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Artificial Intelligence - 4 | Importance, Challenges & Future | STET Computer Sci & BPSC TRE 4 Class Скачать
Artificial Intelligence - 3 | Functionalities based AI Types, AI Agents | STET Computer & BPSC TRE 4 Скачать
Artificial Intelligence - 2 | Steps, Types & Applications | STET Computer Science & BPSC TRE 4 Class Скачать
Artificial Intelligence -1 | Evolution & Core Concepts | STET Computer Science & BPSC TRE 4.0 Class Скачать
BPSC TRE 3 CUTOFF Category wise & Topic-wise Questions Analysis | BPSC TRE 4.0 Syllabus Discussion Скачать
Part 2: Computer Science Part Solution| BPSC TRE 3.0 | Class 6-10 | Computer Science BPSC Answer Key Скачать
क्या है Artificial Intelligence जानिए AI की 10 मिनट में पूरी कहानी | BPSC TRE 4.0, Bihar STET Скачать
Part 1: General Studies Part Solution | Class 6-10 | BPSC TRE 3.0 Computer Science | BPSC Answer Key Скачать
Part 2: Computer Science Part Solution | BPSC TRE 3.0 PGT Computer Science Paper & BPSC Answer Key Скачать
Part 1: General Studies Part Solution | BPSC TRE 3.0 PGT Computer Science Paper & BPSC Answer Key Скачать
Maurya Empire Administration - Provincial, Municipal, Village| Defense & Judicial System | Lucent GK Скачать
Mauryan Empire | Climax & Decline | Ashoka - Dhamma, Rock Pillar & Cave Inscriptions | Lucent GK Скачать
Rise of Mauryan Empire | Sources & Origin of Mauryans | Chandragupta & Bindusar Maurya | Lucent GK Скачать
All About BUDDHISM | Buddha, Bodhisattva, Teachings, Sects, Literature, Patrons | Lucent GK History Скачать
All About JAINISM | Tirthankars, Teachings, Sects, Literature, Patrons, Architecture | Lucent GK Скачать
Socio-Religious Movement in Ancient India | Rise & Causes of different Sects | Lucent GK History Скачать
Magadha Empire | Reasons, Dynasties & Rulers, Wars, Foreign Invasions | Lucent GK | Ancient History Скачать
Rise of Mahajanapadas | 6th Century BC | Names, Old & Current Location, Capitals | Lucent GK History Скачать
BPSC TRE 3.0 Computer Science Paper & Answer Key | Full Discussion & Analysis of Paper| 22 July 2024 Скачать
5. Computer Networks| Error Correction - Go-Back-n & Selective Reject |BPSC TRE, BSTET, Any other Ex Скачать
4. Computer Networks| Error Detection - VRC, LRC, Cyclic Redundancy Check, Checksum |BPSC TRE, BSTET Скачать
3. Computer Networks | TCP/IP Model, OSI Model, Segments, Token, Frames, Bit Stream |BPSC TRE, BSTET Скачать
2. Computer Networks | NIC, Repeater, Hubs, Bridge, Switch, Routers, Gateways| BPSC TRE, BSTET, CTET Скачать
1. Computer Networks | Topology, Data Transfer Modes, Network Security | BPSC TRE, BSTET, CTET Скачать
BPSC TRE Computer Science MCQs: 28 & Revision | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | CISC, RISC, Stalls, Bubbles Скачать
BPSC TRE Computer Science MCQs: 27 & Revision | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | Generations of Computer, Bus Скачать
BPSC TRE Computer Science MCQs: 26 & Revision | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | Pipeline Hazards, Endian Sys Скачать
25. C++ Programming Language | Inheritance: Multiple, Multilevel, Access Specifiers | BPSC TRE, CTET Скачать
24. C++ Programming Language | Encapsulation, Inheritance | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET, Any Other Exams Скачать
23. C++ Programming Language | Access Specifiers: Public, Private, Protected | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET Скачать
BPSC TRE Computer Science MCQs: 25 & Revision | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | Evolution & Types of Buses Скачать
BPSC TRE Computer Science MCQs: 23 & Revision | COMPUTER NETWORKS | Time-To-Live, ARPANET, MAC, DNS Скачать
20. C++ Programming Language | OOPs, Procedural Programming, Class, Object, Example | BPSC TRE, STET Скачать
18. C++ Programming Language | Pass by Reference, Function Overloading | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET Скачать
17. C++ Programming Language | Default Parameters, Return Values | BPSC TRE example included, CTET Скачать
16. C++ Programming Language | Functions, Declaration & Definition, Arguments| BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET Скачать
15. C++ Programming Language | References & Pointers | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET, Any Other Exams Скачать
12. C++ Programming Language | Multidimensional 2D Array | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET, Any Other Exam Скачать
11. C++ Programming Language | Array, Access Elements, Sizeof() Function | BPSC TRE, CTET, BSTET Скачать
10. C++ Programming Language | Break and Continue Statement | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, Any other Exams Скачать
9. C++ Programming Language | Shift Operators : Left & Right | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, Any other Exams Скачать
8. C++ Programming Language | While & do-While Loop| For & For each Loop| BPSC TRE, CTET, Bihar STET Скачать
7. C++ Programming Language | Switch Statement & Block | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, Any other Exams Скачать
6. CPP Programming Language | If-Else, Ternary Operator | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, Any other Exams Скачать
5. C++ Programming Language | Escape Sequence, Input String | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, Any other Exams Скачать
4. C++ Programming Language | Operator, String - Concat, length(), Access Characters | BPSC TRE 3.0 Скачать
7.5 Functions | Scope of Variable in Python, Python Standard Library | Class 11 Computer NCERT CBSE Скачать
7.4 Functions | Execution Flow, Return Multiple Values, Scope of Variable | Class 11 Computer NCERT Скачать
7.3 Functions | CBSE Class 11 Computer NCERT | Default Parameter, Returning Value Function, Examples Скачать
2. C++ Programming Language | Comments, Variable, Identifiers, Constants | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET Скачать
1. C++ Programming Language | Introduction | BPSC TRE, CTET, STET, other Competitive Exams Tutorial Скачать
7.2 Functions | CBSE Class 11 Computer NCERT | Learn Basic Python Coding with Examples & Explanation Скачать
6.4 Flow of Control | CBSE Computer Class 11 NCERT | Nested loops Python, Python Examples #python Скачать
6.3 Flow of Control | NCERT CBSE Computer Class 11 | Python: Range(), Break & Continue with Examples Скачать
6.1 Flow of Control | NCERT CBSE Computer Class 11| Python: IF, ELIF, For & While loop with Examples Скачать
5.6 Getting Started with Python | NCERT CBSE Computer Class 11 | Type Conversion: Explicit, Implicit Скачать
5.5 Getting Started with Python | NCERT Computer Science Class 11 |Operators Precedence Input/Output Скачать
5.4 Getting Started with Python | Class 11 Computer Science NCERT | Operators in Python with Example Скачать
5.3 Getting Started with Python | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | All about Python Datatypes Скачать
5.2 Getting Started with Python | Class 11 NCERT Computer Science| Identifiers, Keywords, Comments Скачать
5.1 Getting Started with Python | Class 11 NCERT Computer Science| PYTHON, Interactive & Script Mode Скачать
4.4 Introduction to Problem Solving | Class 11 NCERT Computer Science| Iteration Verifying Algorithm Скачать
4.3 Introduction to Problem Solving | Class 11 NCERT Computer Science | Pseudocode & Control flow Скачать
4.2 Introduction to Problem Solving | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science| Examples Flow Chart Algorithm Скачать
4.1 Introduction to Problem Solving | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science| Examples, Introduction Скачать
Chap 3 - Emerging Trends - 4 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | Cloud & Grid Computing, Blockchains Скачать
Chap 3 - Emerging Trends -2 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science| Virtual & Augmented Reality, Robotics Скачать
Chap 3 - Emerging Trends -1 | NCERT Class 11 Computer | AI, M/C Learning, Natural Language Proces. Скачать
Chap 2 - Encoding Schemes & Number System -4 | NCERT Class 11 Computer | Fractional Number System Скачать
Chap 2 - Encoding Schemes & Number System -3 | NCERT Class 11 Computer | Number System Conversion Скачать
Chap 2 - Encoding Schemes & Number System -2 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | NUMBER SYSTEM Скачать
Chap 2 - Encoding Schemes & Number System -1 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | ASCII ISCII UNICODE Скачать
Chap 1 - Computer System: 5 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | Operating System | Process, GUI etc. Скачать
Chap 1 - Computer System: 4 | NCERT Class 11 Computer Science | Software | Freeware, FOSS, IDE Скачать
Chap 1 - Computer System: 2 | Class 11 NCERT | Micro-Processor & Controller | Bus: Data Add. Control Скачать
Chap 1 - Computer System: 1 | Class 11 NCERT | Computer Evolution Vonn Neumann Pascaline EDVAC ENIAC Скачать
12. Karnaugh Map - 3 | 4 Variable K-Map | Computer Org. & Archi. | Examples of 2,3,4 Variable K-Map Скачать
11. Karnaugh Map - 2 | Made Very Easy | 3 Variable Karnaugh Map (K-Map) | Computer Org. & Archi. Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 19 | DBMS, DATABASE, SQL Based | TGT & PGT Candidates | #bpsctre3 Скачать
Schools of Indian Philosophy in Ancient India | Sankhya, Nyaya, Yoga, Vesheshika, Mimansa, Charvaka Скачать
Vedic Literature - 2 | Vedangas, Puranas, Manusmriti, Naradsmriti | Lucent GK | Ancient History Скачать
Vedic Literature - 1 | Shruti Literature - Vedas, Brahmanas, Upnishads Aranyakas | Ancient History Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 17 | Structured Query Language (SQL) Based | TGT & PGT Candidates Скачать
Later Vedic Age | 1000-500 BCE | Polity, Economy, Religion, Society | Lucent GK | Ancient History Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 15 | Loop, Array, Functions | TGT & PGT Candidates | NCERT Based Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 14 | OOPs & C++ Programming | TGT & PGT Candidates | NCERT Based Скачать
2. Advent of the Europeans - Portuguese East India Company | Arrival Settlement Expansion & Decline Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 13 | OOPs Concepts | TGT & PGT Candidates | NCERT Based | #bpsctre3 Скачать
1. Advent of the Europeans - Sea route Exploration to India | Fall of Constantinople & renaissance Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 12 | OOPs and Computer Fundamentals | TGT & PGT Candidates | #bpsctre3 Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 11 | COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALs| TGT & PGT Candidates | #ncertbasedquestion Скачать
9. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA - 4 | Computer Organisation & Architecture | TRE 2.0 Ques. with SHORTCUT Method Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 10 | COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALs| TGT & PGT Candidates | #ncertbasedquestion Скачать
6. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA -1 | Computer Organisation & Architecture | Basic Opr - NOT, AND, OR #bpsctre3 Скачать
Rig Vedic Age - 2 | 1500-1000 BCE | Society & Economic Setup | Lucent GK | Ancient History of India Скачать
Rig Vedic Age - 1 | 1500-1000 BC | Politico-Administrative Details | Lucent GK | Ancient History Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 8 | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | TGT & PGT Candidates | #biharteacher Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 7 | COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE | TGT & PGT Candidates | #biharteacher Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 6 | DATABASE & SQL | TGT & PGT Candidates | #biharteacher #bpsctre Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 4 RE-UPLOADED | DATA STRUCTURE | TGT & PGT Candidates | #biharteacher Скачать
5. Computer Organisation & Architecture - Complements: 15's, 16's And Fractional Number | #bpsctre3 Скачать
4. Computer Organisation & Architecture - Complements: 10's 9's 8's 7's | #stetcomputerscience Скачать
3. Computer Organisation & Architecture - Complements: 1's & 2's | #bpsctre3 #stetcomputerscience3 Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 5 | OPERATING SYSTEM | TGT & PGT Candidates | #stetcomputerscience Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 3 | OPERATING SYSTEM | TGT & PGT Candidates | #bpsctre3 #biharteacher Скачать
Indus Valley Civilization - 2 | Important Sites & related Findings | Lucent GK | Ancient History Скачать
Indus Valley Civilisation - 1 | Polity, Society, Economy, Religion | Lucent Gk | Ancient History Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 2 | DATA STRUCTURE | TGT & PGT Candidates | #bpsctre3 #biharteacher Скачать
Computer Science MCQs Mock - 1 | OPERATING SYSTEM | TGT & PGT Candidates | #bpsctre3 #biharteacher Скачать
Pre-Historic Period - Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic Age | Ancient History of India| Lucent GK Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 11-12 School Teacher COMPUTER Paper | 15th Dec. 2023 | Part 2 | #bpsctreanskey Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 11-12 School Teacher COMPUTER Paper | 15th Dec. 2023 | Part 1 | #bpsctreanskey Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 11-12 School Teacher | GENERAL STUDIES CS paper | 15th Dec. 2023 | #objections Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science MAHA MOCK Test | Full Length | 80 Questions | All TOPICs of Computer Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -15 | Computer Org. & Architecture | #computerorganization Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -14 | C, C++, Programming Lang | #bpsctre2 #programming Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -13 | OOPs, C++, Programming Lang | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -12 | OOPs, C++, Programming Lang | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test - 11 | DATABASE MCQs | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 #database Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test - 10 | DATABASE MCQs | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 #database Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 9-10 School Teacher/Headmaster Computer paper | 8th Dec. 2023 | ONLY SOLUTION Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 9-10 School Teacher/Headmaster Computer paper | Part - 2 | 8th December 2023 Скачать
BPSC TRE 2.0 - Class 9-10 School Teacher/Headmaster Computer paper | Part - 1 | 8th December 2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -7 | Security & Physical Layer MCQs | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -6 | Computer Networks OSI MODEL | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -5 | Computer Networks OSI MODEL | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -4 | Computer Networking Basic | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -3 | OOPs, C++, Programming Lang | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -2 | Computer Networking Basic | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC Teacher Computer Science Mock Test -1 | OOPs, C++, Programming Lang | #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
Computer Science BPSC TRE 2023 | Important Topics from PYQs | #bpscteacher #bpsctre2 #bpsctre2023 Скачать
BPSC TRE 2023 - Computer Science PYQs | Question Paper & Answer PDF Discussions | #bpscteacher Скачать
Current Affairs January 2023 | Part - 3 | BSSC Inter Level and Other exams | #bsscinterlevelexam Скачать
Current Affairs January 2023 | Part - 2 | BSSC Inter Level and Other exams | #bsscinterlevelexam Скачать
Current Affairs January 2023 | Part - 1 | BSSC Inter Level and Other exams | #bsscinterlevelexam Скачать
BSSC Inter Level Previous year Questions: Part -3| FREE Course | #bsscinterlevelexam #bsscexam #bssc Скачать
Bihar SSC Inter Level Previous year Questions: Part -2| FREE Course | #bsscinterlevelexam #biharssc Скачать
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Bihar SSC Inter (10+2) Level Exam 2023 | FREE Batch | Syllabus Discussion | #bsscinterlevelexam Скачать
BIHAR STET 2023 - Computer Science MASTER Question Paper & Answer PDF | FULL 150 Answer Key | #stet Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 12.2: Factorisation by NITian Bhanu | #factorisationclass8 #jee #ssc Скачать
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Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 12.1: Factorisation by NITian Bhanu | #factorisationclass8 #jee #ssc Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 11.5: Direct And Inverse Proportions by NITian Bhanu | #exercise #jee Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 11.4: Direct And Inverse Proportions by NITian Bhanu | Examples #jee Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 11.3: Direct And Inverse Proportions by NITian Bhanu | #exercises #jee Скачать
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Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 11.1: Direct And Inverse Proportions by NITian Bhanu | #directproportion Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 10.4: Exponents and Powers by NITian Bhanu | #reallifeapplications #jee Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 10.3: Exponents and Powers by NITian Bhanu | #exponentsandpowers #jee Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 10.2: Exponents and Powers by NITian Bhanu | #exponentsandpowers #jee Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 10.1: Exponents and Powers by NITian Bhanu | #exponentsandpowers #ssccgl Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 9.6: Mensuration by NITian Bhanu | #cube #cuboid #cylinder #volume Скачать
Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 9.5: Mensuration by NITian Bhanu | #cube #cuboid #cylinder #volume Скачать
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Class 8 Maths NCERT Chapter 9.3: Mensuration by NITian Bhanu | 3D Surface Area - Total & Lateral Скачать
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Class 11 Physics NCERT Chapter 5.3: Work, Energy and Power by NITian Bhanu | Variable Force - W, WET Скачать
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