#pov Her choice determines the future outcome: Goes with him Vs Doesn’t go with him… Mr.SpicyGremlin 2,05 млн подписчиков Скачать
#pov She has a brief encounter with her crush: how she thinks she looks VS how she actually looks… Скачать
#pov Your new roommate shares a secret with you… (stop smiling VS smile @ the end) IB:@theactingdoll Скачать
#pov She suspects he has a girlfriend so she leaves her a “clue” to let her know he’s been cheating… Скачать
#pov She is ushering you to run away from danger but maybe you should be running away from her… Скачать
#pov They live in a society where your gaming score determines your social status… #blockblast Скачать
#pov They are told to keep on their jumpers because their clothing is “distracting”… ad (music) Скачать
#pov They pretend to hate each other so that no one suspects that they are dating… ad (music) Скачать
#pov The mayors daughter is obsessed with status & $$$ - she discovers it will only get her so far… Скачать