龍洞貢寮看海吃海鮮及擁有絕美海景的和美公車站 The sea and seafood at Longdong Gongliao and Hemei with stunning sea views. Скачать
可遠眺鯉魚潭絕佳視野美景的苗栗天空之城古堡 Chateau-in-the-air, the castle restaurant with a superb view in Miaoli. Скачать
山谷吊橋溪口畔 絕美景觀秘境早午餐 The brunch with a stunning view by a valley stream with a suspension bridge. Скачать
隱藏老街服飾店的老洋樓古宅咖啡廳 Café in an old Western-style building hidden in a clothing store on an old street. Скачать
驚艷浪漫自然景觀及百萬海景的台東之旅 A trip to Taitung with stunning and romantic natural landscapes and beach views. Скачать
超隱密又知名的三貂嶺廢墟老屋Café The super secret and famous ruined old house Café in Sandiaoling.《Cafe Hytte》 Скачать
浪漫又詩意微雨九份 發呆閒晃與美食 In the romantic Jiufen with gentle rain, wander around and enjoy delicious food. Скачать
全台第一座全村完整保存 懷舊古早味眷村 The first completely preserved military village with nostalgic style in Taiwan. Скачать
整天放空、看海、泡澡的墾丁帆船石民宿 A B&B in Kenting Sail Rock where you can relax, watch the sea, and bath all day. Скачать
高雄柴山斷崖海岸秘境 遼闊海景天涯海角海蝕洞 Kaohsiung Chaishan cliff coast secret spot, a sea cave with a vast sea view. Скачать
廢墟改造~ 三貂嶺深山裡的義大利小餐館早午餐 Brunch in a ruins-turned-Italian bistro deep in the mountains of Sandiaoling. Скачать
水果咖啡及鬆餅 連來二次的早午餐及下午茶 Fruit coffee and waffles, a brunch restaurant that I visited twice in a row. Скачать
結合老街廟宇、現代裝置藝術及燈光設計的人文藝術小鎮 A humanities and art town that combines old streets, temples and design. Скачать
與美麗山谷溪流景色相互輝映的苗栗溫泉飯店 Miaoli hot spring hotel complements the beautiful valley and stream scenery. Скачать
宜蘭礁溪極致休閒享受品味的頂級溫泉飯店 A top hot spring hotel for ultimate leisure and enjoyment in Jiaoxi, Yilan. Скачать
絕美自然風光的基隆八斗子車站、漁港及秘境海岸 Beautiful natural scenery of Keelung Badouzi Station, port and secret coast. Скачать
宛如偶像劇浪漫場景 台南遊艇碼頭夕陽 The sunset at the yacht pier in Tainan looks like a romantic idol drama scene. Скачать
隔35年第二次釣蝦 夜晚恐怖北關海潮公園 The second time shrimp fishing in 35 yrs, the terrifying evening Tidal Park. Скачать
在壽豐稻田 拍到花蓮旅行最愛美照 Into the rice fields and took the favorite photos while traveling in Hualien. Скачать
入住海景View及無邊際泳池的花蓮臨海飯店 Stay at a hotel near the sea in Hualien with sea view and infinity pool. Скачать
絕美南投清境山谷美景、人生最好吃的炸香菇 The best fried mushrooms with the beautiful view of Cingjing Valley in Nantou. Скачать
藏身花蓮壽豐田野的超隱密文創Café。 A secret cultural and creative Café hidden in the fields of Shoufeng in Hualien. Скачать
小巷裡 文藝氣息濃厚的老街屋古宅Café Café in an old street house with a strong literary and artistic atmosphere. Скачать
歐風百年花園古宅Filoli絕美夢幻夕陽 The beautiful sunset at Filoli, a century-old European-style garden house. Скачать
落羽松湖邊歐洲鄉村小屋宛如仙境的美景 Fairyland-like scenery of a country house beside a Bald cypress forest lake. Скачать
超夢幻華麗水晶宮 人生最美早午餐 Super dreamy and gorgeous Crystal Palace, the most beautiful brunch in life. Скачать
歐風百年古宅夢幻花園美景與茶屋 The dreamlike beautiful scenery and tea house of Filoli, a century-old garden house. Скачать
經典德式半木桁架童話屋 Napa最古老酒莊 Classic German Fachwerkhaus, fairy tale house, the oldest winery in Napa. Скачать
仿18世紀法國香檳區城堡的古典花園酒莊 A classic winery that imitates an 18th-century chateau in France Champagne. Скачать
舊宿舍破毀牆面交錯視覺 重生老宅咖啡廳 The cafe with the visual effect of the ruined walls of the old dormitory. Скачать
隔25年Napa之旅 在義式百年城堡酒莊野餐 A trip to Napa after 25 years, the picnic at a century-old castle winery. Скачать
絕美港灣夕陽美景及小鎮知名海鮮餐廳 Stunning sunset views over the harbor and famous seafood restaurants in the town. Скачать
復古典雅又有聖誕氣息的 隱密老宅甜點店!A secret old house dessert shop with retro elegance and Christmas atmosphere. Скачать
搭船去吃冰及欣賞碼頭迷人景緻與夕陽Take the ferry to eat ice and enjoy the gorgeous view of the pier and the sunset. Скачать
結合Napa在地食材及法式料理的農莊餐廳A farm restaurant that combines local Napa ingredients with French cuisine. Скачать
滿山楓樹伴著潺潺溪水聲下悠閒用餐Have a leisurely meal under the maple trees and the sound of the gurgling stream. Скачать
淡水漁人碼頭旁大師作品 超夢幻絕美西餐廳A dreamy and stunning masterpiece restaurant next to Tamsui Fisherman’s Wharf. Скачать
日據時代 百年古蹟裡下午茶Afternoon tea in the century-old historic site during the Japanese occupation era. Скачать
彷彿到了希臘小島的高雄旗津美景The beautiful scenery of Cijin, Kaohsiung, which seems to be on the Greek island. Скачать