International Stammering Awareness Day | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy #standup #stuttering #comedy Aidan Greene 423 подписчика Скачать
International Stammering Awareness Day | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy #standup #stuttering #comedy Скачать
Stammerer recruited by the RA | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy #standup #stuttering #stammering #irish Скачать
Never let them know your next move | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy. Dublin tix in bio #irishcomedy Скачать
An Irish Engagment | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy. Tour show link in bio #irishcomedy #standupcomedy Скачать
Woman posting selfie mid show | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy. Tour show link in bio #irishcomedy Скачать
You think your family is embarrassing. Ticket links in bio! #standup #comedy #family #irishcomedy Скачать
People in inbred houses shouldn't throw stones but... Tour tix link in bio! #irishcomedy #standup Скачать
Explaining Cavan to Americans | Aidan Greene Stand-Up Comedy. Tour show link in bio! #irishcomedy Скачать
It's more of a gene pond than a gene pool in Cavan. Tickets link on bio! #cavan #comedy #standup Скачать
My real ID looked faker than my fake ID! Ticket link in bio. #standup #comedy #cavan #crowdwork Скачать
It could have been worse. I could have grown up in Monaghan. Tour tix in bio #Cavan #standup #comedy Скачать
Very excited to get back to Scotland for the Edinburgh Fringe. Ticket link in bio #standup #comedy Скачать
This man wasted one of his lifelines on the £500 question #irishcomedy #standupcomedy #stutter Скачать
Shout-out to my bilingual bullies! Edfringe show tickets on bio #irishcomedy #french #stutter Скачать
This may be the most culchie conversation I've ever had on stage... #irishcomedy #cuclhie #standup Скачать
How we Ulster folk tell catholics and protestants apart... #irishcomedy #crowdwork #standup #irish Скачать
It's definitely the weirdest maiden name I've ever heard... #irishcomedy #comedy #standupcomedy Скачать
Who needs Tinder when you've got live comedy. 💘💘 #irishcomedy #crowdwork #dating #standup #comedy Скачать
Let's never do that again... #irishcomedy #stammer #standup #stuttering #comedy #comedian #zoom Скачать
Never let them know your next move... #irishcomedy #stammer #stutter #comedy #crowdwork #standup Скачать
It's one thing being heckled as a comedian. But this... #irishcomedy #stammering #crowdwork #standup Скачать
If you're going to hate crime me. At least be realistic #irishcomedy #stammer #standup #comedy Скачать
Shoutout to all my stammering Spanish friends! #irishcomedy #stammer #standupcomedy #crowdwork Скачать
Part 2: Irish Hallmark Movie #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #crowdwork #stbrigidsday #hallmarkchannel Скачать
Part 1: Irish Hallmark Movie #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #crowdwork #stbrigidsday #hallmarkchannel Скачать
But what was the fun fact??? #stammering #stuttering #comedy #comedian #standupcomedy #irishcomedy Скачать
Shout-out to Steve who I have pinned a lot of crimes on... #stammering #stuttering #comedy #comedian Скачать
Mining my stammering trauma for content #comedy #stammering #irishcomedian #stuttering #standup Скачать
The Sweetest Heckler | Aidan Greene #irishcomedy #comedy #standup #crowdwork #heckler #stammer Скачать
When life gives you lemons. Make stammerade... #irishcomedy #c #comedy #standupcomedy #stammering Скачать
Getting junk mail or mail about your junk? #irishcomedy #comedy #standupcomedy #comedyclub #standup Скачать
Everywhere is a tourist destination when I go there... #comedy #shorts #standupcomedy #stammering Скачать
Glamourizing Stammering | Aidan Greene #irishcomedy #comedy #standupcomedy #stammering #stuttering Скачать
He's from where??? | Aidan Greene #irishcomedy #comedy #shorts #standup #cavan #crowdwork #irish Скачать
Some say these poor American tourists are still stuck in that room... #comedy #standup #crowdwork Скачать
Explaining Cavan to Americans | Aidan Greene #irishcomedy #comedy #standup #crowdwork #cavan #irish Скачать
Coeliac disease and gluten intolerance are NOT the same thing! #celiac #coeliac #standupcomedy Скачать
Stammering discrimination is no laughing matter... #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #comedy #stammering Скачать
Buffering heckler | Aidan Greene | #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #comedy #heckler #stammer #crowdwork Скачать
NEVER laugh at the dead. Unless stammering caused it... #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #comedy #stammer Скачать
Aidan Greene | A world without stammering | #comedy #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #stammering #stutter Скачать
They'll let anyone get married these days! #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #stammering #stuttering Скачать
Stammering comedians are dangerous! #irishcomedy #comedy #stammering #stuttering #standupcomedy Скачать
Throwing stammerers in wells?? #irishcomedy #crowdwork #comedy #standupcomedy #stammering #standup Скачать
NEVER finish a stammerer's sentence #irishcomedy #crowdwork #heckler #standup #stutter #stammering Скачать
Stuttering Shakespeare hits different #irishcomedy #crowdwork #stammering #standupcomedy #comedy Скачать
Gowna, concrete jungle where dreams are made of #irishcomedy #crowdwork #comedy #standup #cavan Скачать
She is going to need to pray a lot harder for that to work #irishcomedy #comed y #crowdwork #stutter Скачать
New Year, Same You. Remember to take your pill #standupcomedy #crowdwork #heckler #comedy #irish Скачать
Spare a thought for Chris this festive season #irishcomedy #comedy #standuplaughs #jokes #stammer Скачать
I would have prefered a lump of coal #irishcomedy #standupcomedy #Christmas #jokes #stammering Скачать
In Monaghan it's hard to date outside the gene pond #standupcomedy #irishcomedy #dating #crowdwork Скачать
He tried to be an ally and failed... #comedy #irishcomedy #standuplaughs #crowdwork #american #usa Скачать
As long as it's legal and everyone is safe I'm okay with it #comedy #irishcomedy #crowdwork #standup Скачать
Racists who live in glass house shouldn't heckle comedians #comedy #irishcomedy #crowdwork #standup Скачать
I spotted an old housemate in the crowd and I had to confront him! #standupcomedy #irishcomedy Скачать
Aidan Greene: I Cant Believe It's Not Stutter! October 22nd in The Workman's Club, Dublin #comedy Скачать
Being a stammering comedian can have it's issues... #irishcomedy #standupcomedy #stammer #stutter Скачать
I am available for weddings, funerals, and filibusters... #comedy #irishcomedy #stutter #stammer Скачать
The reason why I no longer allow audience members to ask questions about stammering... #irishcomedy Скачать