pH matters for drug absorption #medicine #education #heart The Heart Pharmacist 882 подписчика Скачать
Can I take these drugs under the tongue instead? Consider these things first. | The Heart Pharmacist Скачать
u could be unprotected after stenting if u + your doctor aren't careful #medicine #education #heart Скачать
would u seek other therapies if u weren't randomized to the active drug? #education #medicine #heart Скачать
I keep seeing the "same patients" over and over again. #education #weightloss #fitnessmotivation Скачать
Atrial fibrillation is NOT a standalone medical condition (usually) #medicine #education #heart Скачать
60% longhaul truckers have 2+ risk factors for developing blood clots #medicine #education #heart Скачать
are blood clots from long flights considered provoked or unprovoked? #medicine #heart #education Скачать
provoked vs unprovoked can be misleading, if workup is incomplete by MD #medicine #education #heart Скачать
victims WASTE away. don't LET it happen to you or those you care about #medical #heart #shorts Скачать
don't, just DON'T. if it hasn't happened to u, don't say you're allergic. #medical #heart #shorts Скачать
How to PROPERLY use nitroglycerin sublingual #pharmacy #counselling #medicine #nursing #education Скачать
why healthcare's so expensive #medicine #medicalstudent #nursing #nursingstudent #education #comedy Скачать
get started today #pharmacystudents #pharmacystudent #pharmacist #education #motivation #skills Скачать
pls don't be judgemental #medicine #nursing #medicalstudent #nursingstudent #education #pharmacy Скачать
prioritization is key. #pharmacy #education #cardiology #nursing #nursingstudent #pharmacystudents Скачать
physical assessments help me prioritize care for patients #shorts #cardiology #pharmacy #education Скачать
on the shoulders of giants #education #cardiology #pharmacy #pharmacystudent #hockey #winnipegjets Скачать
link in vid #shorts #heartfailure #pharmacystudent #nursing #nursingstudent #pharmacystudents Скачать
don't regret like I do #pharmacystudent #pharmacystudents #education #pharmacy #cardiology #shorts Скачать
do YOUR OWN physical assessment #shorts #cardiology pharmacystudents #pharmacystudent #pharmacy Скачать
pharmacy and cardiology is like tailoring #shorts #pharmacystudents #pharmacystudent #pharmacy Скачать
dead giveaway. 🤯name that 💊(include drug name and strength) #shorts #medicine #nursing #game #short Скачать
😂helping doctors without them even knowing #healthcare #pharmacy #medicine #comedy #funny #truth Скачать
💙More meds = more care, right...? #healthcare #pharmacy #dying #dignity #heartfailure #hearttouching Скачать
Trust issues with rivaroxaban (Xarelto) for atrial fibrillation? #doac #stroke #strokeawareness Скачать
antiplatelets for secondary prevention in 2023 #shorts #cardiology #education #health #pharmacy Скачать
lose the aspirin for CAD longterm?! #heart #medicine #cardiology #pharmacy #education #evidence Скачать
Antiplatelets for secondary prevention in 2023 #cardiology #shorts #medication #aspirin #heart Скачать
Antiplatelets for secondary prevention in 2023 #cardiology #shorts #medication #aspirin #heart Скачать
phosphenes and ivabradine | CG shock no evidence. pt dying. would u? #shorts #cardiology #pharmacy Скачать
no evidence. patient dying. would you? ivabradine in cardiogenic shock #shorts #heartfailure #shock Скачать
part 2. see full video for 10+ differences: ticagrelor vs clopidogrel #shorts #education #heart Скачать
check out full video for 10+ differences: ticagrelor vs clopidogrel #shorts #nursing #education Скачать