Meister Eckhart sermon 20a: A man made a great feast. Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam (audiobook) Скачать
Meister Eckhart sermon 19: Stand at the Gate of the Lord's House. Sta in porta domus domini (audiobo Скачать
Meister Eckhart sermon 18: Young people, I say to you: rise! Adolescens, tibi dico: surge (audiobook Скачать
Want to interpret the bible literally? History is not on your side. It's turtles all the way down Скачать
Meister Eckhart sermon 11: Elizabeth's time had come, Impletum est tempus Elizabeth (audiobook) Скачать
Meister Eckhart sermon 10: He was pleasing to God in his days, In diebus suis placuit deo (audiobook Скачать
Meister Eckhart's divine silence (and the excruciating racket!), learned ignorance and unknowing Скачать
Exciting news! Scrolls of Herculaneum digitally unrolled! 2000 year old text seen for the first time Скачать
Don’t interpret the Bible literally? God as desire? Origen of Alexandria & Christian love mysticism Скачать
Meister Eckhart on prayer: "If the only prayer you ever say is 'thank you,' that will be enough" Скачать
Why are AI chatbots good at theory of mind? Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised… #philosophyofmind Скачать
Origins of Monotheism: Judaism, Akhenaten, Huston Smith and the move from cyclical to linear time Скачать
Meister Eckhart: Christianity without all the stuff people don't like - hell, personal God, … Скачать
Schopenhauer's smile: overly optimistic people aren't just annoying.. pessimism may be good for us Скачать
Socrates says he knows nothing…AFTER all the other dialogues. So what IS the goal of dialectic? Скачать
How can we tell that myths are the same? Frazer's Golden Bough: parallel myths and abstraction Скачать