#BEC303 Test the Opamp comparator with zero and non zero reference and Obtain Hysteresis Curve Скачать
#BCS402 Write an ALP to count the number of ones and zeros in two consecutive memory locations. Скачать
#BCS402 C program to demonstrate case conversion of characters from Upper to lower and Lowr to Uppr Скачать
#BCS402 LPC 2148 C Program to sort the numbers in Descending order using Bubblesort Algorithm Скачать
#BCS402 C program for ARM LPC2148 microcontroller using KEIL to find the factorial of a number. Скачать
#BCS402 Develop an ALP to find the largest/smallest number in an array of 32 numbers. LPC 2148 Скачать
C program to implement structures to read, write and compute average marks for a class of N students Скачать
#Write C functions to implement string operations such as compare, concatenate, string length. Скачать
8051 ALP to find Largest & Smallest number from a given array starting from 20h & store it in 40h. Скачать
8051 ALP to multiply two 8-bit numbers stored at 30h and 31h and store16- bit result in 32h and 33h Скачать
8051 ALP to Divide two 8-bit numbers stored at 30h and 31h and store result in 32h and33h of Int RAM Скачать
8051 program to subtract the byte in the RAM at 34h and 35h & store the result in the reg R5 and R6. Скачать
8051 program to add the byte in the RAM at 34h and 35h store the result in the register R5 and R6. Скачать
8051 ALP to move a block of n bytes of data from internal source (30h) to extrn destination (2000h) Скачать
#BECL456A 8051 ALP to exchange block of 6 datas with Internal memory 10h with external memory 2000h Скачать
#BECL456A 8051 ALP to move a block of n bytes of data from source loc 2000h to destin loc 2050h Скачать
#BESCK104E C Program to Compute Sin(x) using Taylor Series and Compare with built in function sin(x) Скачать
#BESCK204E C Program to Compute cos(x) using Taylor Series and Compare with built in function cos(x) Скачать
#BESCK104E C Program To Check the Given Character is Lowercase or Uppercase or Special Character. Скачать
#BESCK204E C program to find mechanical energy of a particle using formula ME= mgh + 1/2 m v^2 Скачать
#BESCK204E C Program to convert Kilometers into Meters and Centimeters. Visual Studio code tool Скачать
# Interface a simple Switch and display its status through Relay, Buzzer and LED . check output Скачать
#BRAL456B Emb C prgm to display "Hello world " message in the serial window 8051 microcontroller Скачать
#BRAL456B8051 C Program to add an array of 16 bit numbers and display the sum in ports 0 and 1 Скачать
#BRAL456B Embedded C 8051Program to find square of numbers [1-10] using Look Up Table BECL456A Скачать
#BRAL456B Keil µvision 8051 project tutorial. 8051 C program to find sum of first 10 integer nos Скачать
Build a VI that simulates a heating & cooling system controlled manually-automatically using Labview Скачать
#BEC358A Build a Virtual Instrument that simulates a Basic Calculator (formula node) in LabView Скачать
Expt # 12 Demonstrate how to create basic VI which calculates area and perimeter of a circle. Скачать
Demonstration of decoders using multisim tool. 2:4 decoder and 3:8 decoder using multsim tool Скачать