Best simple chicken house - Use anything available like plastic paper.. Farming With Joshe 1,91 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
How to Easily set up Drip irrigation - Fixing drip irrigation system simple and direct time saving. Скачать
Grazing fields no more. - Machakos Floods grazing fields turning to big rivers /Effects of floods Скачать
Flooding in Machakos - small roads turning to big rivers due to floods. effects of floods in Kenya. Скачать
Effects of flooding on crops. - Food shortage after heavy rains in Kenya. Crop damage by floods Скачать
Pillbug - Armadillidium vulgare. a non insect arthropod that roles into a ball wnen disturbed. Скачать
My vertical sack garden on fire.. - goats invade my vertical sack garden clearing the vegetables. Скачать
What do you feed your Chicken With - pure Kienyeji chicken feeding on grains and fruits _remains. Скачать
Flowers and their pollinators -Butterflies and different bees visiting flowers from the same plant. Скачать
Machakos County - Kalingile Community 10 - Jan - 2022 - Rainy period with lots of grass , flowers. Скачать
A Stranger roaming and feeding together with my chicken - Pigeon secretly feeding with the chicken. Скачать
Torill Sivilhauge from Norway visit to Joshe's Farm in Kenya - Torill feeding chicken and pigeons. Скачать
Simple Small scale Vegetable farming - How to organize your vegetables in a small piece of land Скачать
Releasing Pigeons from their Coop after and Feeding them out in the compound at the farm - pigeons Скачать