Django REST Framework - Customising permissions in Generic Views | VSCode REST Client extension Скачать
SvelteKit, TailwindCSS & Vercel - Build and Deploy a Static Salary Calculator (Remote vs. In-Office) Скачать
Environment-based Settings in Django Projects | django-environ | Setup for local/production/testing Скачать
Enums in Python & Pydantic | Python 3.11 StrEnum | Case-Insensitive enum with _missing_() method Скачать
Django Query Optimization / select_related & prefetch_related / django-debug-toolbar / N+1 Problem Скачать
Folium + Streamlit - Creating Maps in Streamlit Applications using Folium / Caching in Streamlit Скачать
Pydantic - Nested Models, JSON Schema and Auto-Generating Models with datamodel-code-generator Скачать
Pydantic Introduction - Models, Fields, Constrained Types, Validator Functions and Model Exports Скачать
Django and HTMX #21 - WebSocket Notifications with the HTMX WebSocket Extension and django-channels Скачать
Django & Alpine.js - Simple and Complex Component State for Building Interactive UIs (a comparison) Скачать
Django and Webpack - External Packages (HTMX and Alpine.js) CSS Loaders and Webpack Optimization Скачать
Django and Webpack - Webpack Setup & Configuration, JavaScript Assets, Entry Points, Output Bundles Скачать
Django URLs - Named URLS, url template-tag, Reversing URLs, URL namespaces, & get_absolute_url() Скачать