Weidenröschen, Epilobium angustifolium, Blüte und Öffnen der Samenschote, 4k, trilingual Rüdiger Hartmann • HIDDEN BIOLOGICAL EVENTS 1,27 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Papilio machaon • Schwalbenschwanz • Swallowtail • Caterpillar feeding • iPhone 8 • 4K, trilingual Скачать
Borago officinalis • Blühen • Blooming • Floreciendo • Color Change • 4K, trilingual, Video 03 Скачать
Borago officinalis, Borretsch, Borage, Borraja, blühend, blooming, floreciendo, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Vanessa atalanta, Red Admiral, Almirante Rojo, in 9 days from pupa to butterfly, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Apfelblüte, Kirschblüte, Apple blossom, Cherry blossom, Flores manzano y cerezo, 4K, trilingual Скачать
The blooming season of the nodding thistle Carduus nutans is coming to an end, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Acherontia atropos, death’s head hawkmoth, caterpillar burying itself, oruga enterrandose, 4K Скачать
Vierfleck, 4 spotted chaser, Libelula quadrimaculata, Schlüpfen, hatching, nacimiento, 4K trilingual Скачать
La padre oruga de la esfinge (la muerte africana, Acherontia atropos), comiendo aligustre, 4K Скачать
The beautiful caterpillar of the death’s-head hawkmoth Acherontia Atropos, feeding on privet 4K Скачать
Die wunderschöne Raupe des Totenkopfschwärmers Acherontia atropos beim Fressen am Liguster, 4K Скачать
Aeshna cyanea, Blaugrüne Mosaikjungfer, Blue hawker, Geburt, hatching, nacimiento, 4K trilingual Скачать
Acherontia atropos, death’s head hawkmoth, caterpillar molt, oruga muda ninfal, Raupenhäutung, 4k Скачать
Goldnessel, yellow archangel , arcángel amarillo, Lamium galeobdolon, time lapse, 4k trilingual Скачать
Goldnessel, yellow archangel , arcángel amarillo, Lamium galeobdolon, blooming, 4k trilingual Скачать
Cytisus scoparius, Besenginster, broom, escoba rubia, waiting for a bumblebee, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Cytisus scoparius, Besenginster, Scotch broom, escoba rubia, pollination mechanism, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Einzelne Apfelblüte, single apple blossom, una sola flor de manzano, time lapse, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Kaiserkrone, Crown imperial, Corona imperial, Fritillaria imperialis im Winter, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Taraxacum, Löwenzahn, dandelion, diente de león, attraktiv, attractive, atractivo, trilingual, 4K Скачать
Pap. machaon caterpillar silk fleece reparation and hooking device sec. calibration, 4K trilingual Скачать
Papilio machaon, Raupe, Reparatur Basisgeflecht, 2. Kalibrierung der Aufhänge Vorrichtung, 4K Скачать
INSCTOS, abejorro carpintero, cardo Onopodrum, cigarra Membracis, Avispa cavadora, saltamontes Скачать
Pfauenstrauch, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, blühend, blooming, floreciente, time-lapse, trilingual, A Скачать
Pfauenstrauch, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, blühend, blooming, floreciente, time-lapse, trilingual, B Скачать
Taraxacum, Diente de león, Panadero, Desarrollo radial simétrico, Movimiento de crecimiento, 4K Скачать
PHACELIA, blooming cover crop, abono verde floreciendo, blühender Gründünger, Pollination, 4K Скачать
Pilosella aurantiaca, Habichtskraut, Hawkweed, flowers to seed heads, Blüte ➛ Samen, 4K, trilingual Скачать
The silky hooking device of caterpillars, silk cushion, silk belt, Papilio machaon, 4K, trilingual Скачать
Papilio machaon, swallowtail caterpillar, weaving and using a silky hooking device, trilingual, 4K Скачать
Salweide, Salix caprea, Weidenkätzchen, Catkins, Amentos de sauce, 4K, time-lapse, trilingual Скачать
PAPILIO MACHAON; detailed mounting of the caterpillar on a branch, trilingual, HD1080p, part A Скачать
Caltha palustris, Marsh marigold, calta, Sumpfdotterblume (blooming in October 2015, time lapse) Скачать
Sumpfschwertlilie, Iris pseudacorus, yellow flag, lirio amarillo, time lapse, trilingual, 2015 Скачать