2. Why is the topic of human evolution important and relevant for Muslims? - Becoming Bani Adam Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 50 | Theoretical Tāwḥīd vs. Actual/“Active” Tawḥīd | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq Session 44 | Shawq (Longing), Ḥubb (Love) & Ma’rifah (Cognition) | Sh Amin Rastani Скачать
2. Sermon 1-Part 2 - Allah is Too Great to Be Described or Completely Understood - Nahj Al-Balaghah Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 41 | Sabr (Patience) and Shukr (Thankfulness) | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
1. Sermon 1 - Part 1 - Justice Can Never Be Done to Allah's Praise and Blessings - Nahj Al-Balaghah Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 35 | Nafy al-Khawāṭir (Fighting Distracting Thoughts) | Shaykh Amin Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 34 | Khalwah: The Special Calls in the Night | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 29 | Thabāt (Steadfastness) and Niyyah (Intention) | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
30. O Allah I Thank You for This Tragedy and Grant Me Imam Husayn's Intercession on the Day of... Скачать
23. I Ask That Allah Grants Me the Greatest Reward He Has Granted Anyone Upon Whom a Tragedy Has... Скачать
22. To Be With You In This Life and the Next and To Reach the Praiseworthy Rank and to Avenge... Скачать
17. May Allah Curse the People Who Saddled Up, Gave Reins to Their Horses, and Masked Their Faces.. Скачать
10. Verily I Am At Peace With the One At Peace With You and At War With the One At War With You Скачать
9. So May Allah Curse Those Who Established the Foundations of Oppression Against You O AhlulBayt Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 27 | Stage 1: Īmān: From Fear to Tranquility | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
7. Unbearable is the Sorrow, and Excruciating is the Tragedy That Befell You, For Us and For All... Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 26 | Stage 1: Īmān: The Minimum & its Conditions | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 25 | Taqwa and Ma'rifah: Two Sides of One Coin | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 22 | "Zuhd Towards Zuhd"; Reaching the Angels | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 21 | Different Grades of Zuhd; Eternity of the Soul | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 19 | Tawbah: Die Before You Die and Flee to Allah! | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 18 | Kibr (Arrogance): A Root of Veils of Darkness | Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 16 | Knowledge: A Veil of Darkness (P2) | Instructor Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 15 | Knowledge: A Veil of Darkness | Instructor Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать
Stages of Akhlaaq: Session 14 | The Tawbah of the "Perfect Human" | Instructor Shaykh Amin Rastani Скачать