Ewa Marchewka - What can go wrong when test team starts their journey into the world of automation? Скачать
Marcel Veselka - Autonomous testing: How to introduce testing bots to boost your efficiency & speed Скачать
Sudipta Debnath - Artificial Intelligence in Test Automation – A game changer in Automation Testing Скачать
Robin Goldsmith - Learn The Most Important Part of Test Automation (Hint, It’s NOT Automation) Скачать
Rafael Cintra - Applying a Design Thinking Prioritization Grid approach into Quality Engineering Скачать
Marco A Cruz - 5 things that set outstanding test automation engineers apart from average ones Скачать
Matthias Zax - SAST / DAST / IAST / RASP putting DevSecOps on steroids - Four fists and a Hallelujah Скачать
Eran Kinsbruner - Realizing the Most Advanced Features of Selenium 4 and Cypress Testing Frameworks Скачать
Dr. Thomas M. Fehlmann. ART for Beginners – Autonomous Real-time Testing for Cyber-physical Products Скачать
Ryan Papineau. Alaska Airlines: Service Virtualization and Test Data Management - The Journey Скачать