Ruling on eating giraffe and llama meat and sacrificing them?حكم أكل لحم الزرافة واللاما والأضحية Sheikh Aziz bin Farhan Al Anizi - English Official 23,1 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Ruling on eating giraffe and llama meat and sacrificing them?حكم أكل لحم الزرافة واللاما والأضحية Скачать
Ruling on eating an animal that came from the mating of an animal permissible & animal impermissible Скачать
ما حكم عمرة من لم يقبل الحجر الأسود؟What is the ruling of the Umrah of someone who did not kiss the Скачать
How does one perform Tayammum when sick and unable to use water?كيف يتيمم المريض العاجز عن استعمال Скачать
Is it permissible for the dowry to be a Umrah or Hajj trip?هل يجوز أن يكون مهر المرأة الذهاب الى الع Скачать
Does hair falling from combing or washing invalidate one's Ihram?هل الشعر الساقط للمحرم بسبب التمشيط Скачать
What is the ruling of bowing while greeting?هل هناك فرق في الإنحناء عند التحية بين الرأس والجسم؟ Скачать
The ruling of collecting donations during the Khutbah of Jumuahحكم جمع التبرعات أثناء خطبة الجمعة؟ Скачать
Ruling on resting a little between laps of Tawaf and Sa'i حكم الإستراحة قليلا بين الأشواط في الطو Скачать
A message to every one who responds to their wife when she requests him to cut off his family ties Скачать
Does one who wakes up short time before Fajr prayer do Ghusl or Tayammum, as if he performed Ghusl.. Скачать
Does olive oil prevent water from reaching the skin?هل زيت الزيتون يمنع وصول الماء الى البشرة؟ Скачать
The ruling of committing a prohibition from the prohibitions of Ihraam ignorantlyحكم ارتكاب محظور Скачать
Is it permissible for a woman to pray if Muaddhin late in the Adhan?هل يجوز للمرأة أن تصلي اذا تأخر Скачать
Ruling on putting a Qur'an in the car or under a child's head for fortification?حكم وضع المصحف في ا Скачать
When will the Qur'an be erased from the writings and the hearts?متى يمحى القرآن من السطور والصدور؟ Скачать
The ruling of gifting the reward of a voluntary prayer to the dead?حكم اهداء ثواب صلاة النافلة للمي Скачать
Is it permissible to use dirt that was already used for tayammum?هل يجوز إستعمال التراب المستعمل Скачать
Should do tayammum if no water at mosque?And if one is state of Janabah and wakes up before sunrise? Скачать
Ruling on the man wearing shorts above the knees in front of his children?هل يجوز للرجل لبس الشورت Скачать
Is it better for the one who is travelling to shorten or to complete?هل الأفضل لمن كان مسافرا Скачать
Ruling on the woman who finished menstruating while at work and wants to pray before the time ends? Скачать
The way for who is tested with forgetfulness regarding the number of prostrations during prayer? Скачать
A warning for women and men who expose their private parts in front of peopleتنبيه للنساء وللرجال Скачать
Is it allowed to release prisoners with the intention of freeing a slave?هل يجوز إطلاق سراح سجين بني Скачать
Ruling on naming profiles on social media: "I seek forgiveness from Allah" or "Glory be to Allah" Скачать
Is it considered extravagance when bathing to leave the water running until it gets hot or cold? Скачать
Ruling on the one who forgot to shave or shorten his hair after Umrah?حكم من نسي أن يحلق أو يقصر Скачать
Ruling on placing a fridge containing food in the bathroom?حكم وضع الثلاجة التي تحتوي على الطعام في Скачать
Ruling on supplicating to Allah to marry a specific person?حكم من تدعو الله عز وجل بالزواج من فلان Скачать
Is a woman excused from asking the people of knowledge due to shyness?هل تعذر المرأة من سؤال اهل علم Скачать
Ruling on the woman having intercourse before performing ghusl after menstruation?حكم جماع المرأة قب Скачать
حكم الترعيد عند قراءة القرآن؟Ruling on Tar'eed (Making the voice shake or tremble) during reciation? Скачать
Ruling on remaining standing and supplicating when entering the mosque?حكم من يبقى قائما يدعو الله Скачать
Ruling on the husband getting involved in his wife's possessions?حكم تدخل الرجل في مال زوجته؟ Скачать
Is it a must for the shroud of the deceased to be from his own money?هل يلزم أن يكون كفن الميت من Скачать
praying in the 1st row with a pillar separating the row or praying in the 2nd row isn't separated? Скачать
Ruling on wearing braces & when is it impermissible?حكم لبس تقويم الأسنان وما هي الحالات التي لا يجو Скачать
Is it permissible for the mother to give Zakah to her daughter?هل يجوز للأم إعطاء زكاة مالها لإبن Скачать
Ruling on one who announces to others that he has performed Hajj?حكم من يخبر الناس بأنه قد حج؟ Скачать
Ruling on selling coloured Qur'ans and calling pink Qur'an "Barbie Qur'an"?حكم بيع المصاحف الملونة Скачать
From the forms of losing hope and despairing in the mercy of Allahمن صور اليأس والقنوط من رحمة الله Скачать
Ruling on using cow bones to treat jaw problems?حكم استعمال عظم البقر لعلاج فك أسنان الإنسان؟ Скачать
A message to every oppressor: beware of the du'a of the oppressedرسالة لكل ظالم: احذر دعوة المظلوم Скачать
Ruling on combining the intention of the Sunnah Ratibah prayer with Istikharah?حكم جمع نية صلاة Скачать
Ruling on the son spying on his father and giving information to his mother?حكم تجسس الإبن على والده Скачать
Is promise of punishment in hadiths concealing knowledge specific Islamic knowledge or worldly too? Скачать
Is it necessary for blind person to perform wudhu before touching a braille Qur'an for the blind? Скачать
Should one repeat his wudhu if he performed wudhu before sleep then breaks his wudhu?هل يعيد الوضوء Скачать
Are the supplications before sleeping said only at night or can they be said during the day too? Скачать
Is the prohibition of sitting between shade and sunlight applicable everywhere?هل النهي عن الجلوس Скачать
Is it permissible to recite Surah Al-Mulk any time at night or does it have to be before sleeping? Скачать
Is it the Sunnah to have 3 levels in pulpit for Jumu'ah?هل من السنّة إنشاء ثلاث درجات لمنبر الجمعة؟ Скачать
Is the woman rewarded when she feels pain during her period?هل تؤجر المرأة عندما تتألم أثناء الدورة Скачать
Ruling on taking interest loans to pay off debts owed to people?حكم أخذ قرض ربوي لسداد الديون Скачать
Who are young boys made eternal in verse: {There will circulate among them young boys made eternal Скачать
The criteria on the young man speaking to a foreign woman?ضابط حديث الشاب مع المرأة الأجنبية؟ Скачать
Is it permissible for the woman to swim in the swimming pool at home?هل يجوز للمرأة أن تسبح في مسب Скачать
How should the Muslim deal with doubts in our time?كيف يتعامل المسلم مع الشبهات في هذا الزمان؟ Скачать
Is there a virtue in the cave of Hira because the Prophet ﷺ would worship in it?هل هناك فضيلة لغار ح Скачать
Ruling on the small child seeing his/her mother while she bathes?حكم رؤية الطفل الصغير أمه اثنا Скачать
Is it permissible to ask Allah to have mercy on the one who abandons prayer?هل يجوز الترحم على تارك Скачать
What should one do if he used to swear oaths a lot but does not remember the number of times?م Скачать
Ruling on prayer of one who drinks alcohol but comprehends the prayer صلاة شارب الخمر الذي يعقل صلات Скачать
What is the authenticity of the saying: "Marriage is half of the religion"ما صحة قول: "الزواج نصف Скачать
Is it permissible to use a tattoo to cover bad writing on the skin?هل يجوز إستعمال الوشم لتغطية Скачать
What is the Trust that man bears mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab?ما هي الأمانة التي حملها الانسان ا Скачать
Elaboration on the one who enjoins good but does not do it himselfالتفصيل فيمن يدعو الناس لفعل الخير Скачать
Which is better Praying alone at beginning of time or praying in congregation at end of its time? Скачать
Is it permissible to conceal blessings out of fear of evil eye, and what are the principles for it? Скачать
What are reasons for success for which Ibn Al-Qayyim was upon?ما هو سبب التوفيق الذي عليه ابن القيم؟ Скачать
Is it allowed to tell your Muslim brother you supplicate for him secretly, or this reduce the reward Скачать
Ruling on Islamic clips that have background vocals and sounds added to them?حكم الآهات التي توضع خ Скачать
Ask a Scholar. Amazing question and answer in English with Sheikh Dr Aziz bin Farhan Al Anizi Скачать
A matter that many are unaware of regarding their parentsمسألة يغفل عنها كثير من الأولاد مع أباءهم Скачать
Ruling on looking at pictures on the phone while in the mosque?حكم تصفح الصور في الهاتف داخل المسجد؟ Скачать
Is it Sunnah for woman to rest her left foot & erect right foot so heel is raised or only for men? Скачать
Ruling on intentionally seeking difficulty in worship & saying reward proportional to difficulty? Скачать
Is one's prayer invalid if he says the Salaam before the Imam?هل تبطل صلاة من سلم قبل الإمام؟ Скачать
Is it permissible for a man to marry a woman he fornicated with?هل يجوز للرجل أن يتزوج بإمرأة التي Скачать
What are the forms of the remembrance after the obligatory prayers?ما هي صيغ التسبيحات المشروعة بعد Скачать
Meaning of the hadith: "Woe to the heel bones from the Hellfire!"ما معنى قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: Скачать
Ruling on moving rocking back and forth while reciting the Qur'an?حكم الحركة أو الميلان أثناءالقرآن؟ Скачать
Is it permissible to seek help from dead righteous people with reasoning they are closer to Allah? Скачать
The importance of taking after righteous fathers and grandfathersأهمية الإقتداء بالأباء والأجداد ال Скачать
Is it permissible to tell Non-Muslim to say "Allahumma Barik" or "Ma Shaa' Allah" if likes something Скачать
Does Allah answer the du'a of the disbeliever and transgressor and is it a sign that Allah loves him Скачать
هل ورد النهي عن لعب الأطفال أمام المرآة؟Is it impermissible for children to play in front of mirrors Скачать
Ruling on the husband installing security cameras in the guest room?حكم وضع الزوج كاميرات رقابة Скачать
Ruling on changing a bathroom to prayer area / bedroom?هل يجوز إلغاء الحمام وجعله مسجدا أو غرفة نوم؟ Скачать
Are good deeds and bad deeds multiplied in the sacred months?هل الحسنات والسيئات تضاعف الأشهر الحرم؟ Скачать
Meaning of the words of Allah: {And abide in your houses}ما معنى قوله تعالى: {وقرن في بيوتكن}؟ Скачать
Which is better and more beloved to the Prophet ﷺ: Makkah or Madinah?أيهما أفضل وأحب الى النبي Скачать
Is it permissible for a teacher to accept a gift from a student at the end of the school year? Скачать
Is the hair growing on the chin and beneath the eyes part of the beard?هل من اللحيا الشعر النابت على Скачать