Playwright with JavaScript - 6 : Locators ( Xpath , using property ) QTOMATION 1,54 тыс. подписчиков Скачать
Git and GitHub Tutorial 31: Add, Rename & Remove Remote origin url to Git Repo, Meaning of origin Скачать
Git and GitHub Tutorial 14: git reset - -hard( Undo commit,staging area and working directory ) Скачать
Git and GitHub Tutorial 13: git reset - -mixed ( Undo commit on repo level and staging area changes) Скачать
Git and GitHub Tutorial 9 : git checkout command ( to remove un-staged changes from tracked files) Скачать
Python Practice Programs: Finding First occurrence of every char in the string along with indices Скачать
Selenium with python hybrid framework Tutorial 16 : Git installation , Github account creation Скачать
Selenium with Python hybrid framework Tutorial 8 : Parallel Tests Execution using pytest-xdist Скачать
Selenium with Python hybrid framework Tutorial 4 : First test, POM object, screenshot on failure Скачать
Selenium with Python hybrid framework Tutorial 3 : Installations and project folder structure Скачать
Selenium with Python Tutorial 19 : Conditional methods ( is_displayed(), is_selected(), is_enabled() Скачать